Any recommendations for Tape Deck pairing with Leak Stereo 130 & CDT?


Oct 27, 2019
Having setup the Leak Combo with Wharfedale EVO 4.2, I really have been digging the retro looks (besides the sublime sound :)). I want to add a cassette deck in the future. Looking for recommendations for one that can pair visually with my existing setup.
While Leak is slated to come up with more offerings in 2021, I am not aware if they will include a tape deck.
Thank You
How close you put the speaker with wall? How does it sound in low volumes?
I was looking for same speaker. Ur feedback will be nice. :)
How close you put the speaker with wall? How does it sound in low volumes?
I was looking for same speaker. Ur feedback will be nice. :)
@jemsheed - both the speakers are ~12 inches from the rear wall (as measured from the back of the speaker), with one speaker almost hugging a side wall. The down-firing port enables these speakers to be placed almost anywhere.
I listen to a lot of music late at night, so at low volumes (usually the knob dialled in between 9 & 12) so as not to disturb the family & neighbours. However, if you truly want to enjoy these speakers, crank up the vol. beyond the half-way mark and they sound sublime, warm and rich. I am thoroughly enjoying them!
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