Anyone using DAC/Preamp combo?


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
Looking to buy DAC that has decent Preamp too under 1 lakh.

Topping D90LE seems to do what I want has decent Preamplifier but people on ASR forums reporting problems with it - pops, crackles and also issues controlling the volume when using the I2S interface.

New SMSL D400EX looks good but reviews I've read so far dont seem to mention how well it works as Preamp. Volume can certainly be adjusted on it but not sure it would sound without a dedicated Preamp in the chain.

Dont really want to spend money on a dedicated Preamp so anyone know of any other contenders out there?
Not under a lakh but Sonnet Morpheus and Holo Spring 3 with preamp module are really strong DACs with equally good preamp section. Haven't personally tried but there is a lot of praise online for Gustard x26pro which also has an inbuilt preamp. I think it's also available in classified section of hfv.
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Not under a lakh but Sonnet Morpheus and Holo Spring 3 with preamp module are really strong DACs with equally good preamp section. Haven't personally tried but there is a lot of praise online for Gustard x26pro which also has an inbuilt preamp. I think it's also available in classified section of hfv.
Not familiar with Sonnet Morpheus but looks way out of my budget. Holo Spring I know about it sure is a brilliant DAC but cant spend that much.

Gustard are making good sounding DAC's, getting rave reviews online but I had a horrible experience with their USB Bridge few years back, atrocious build quality of the PCB had two OBF so wanna stay clear of them.
I feel It all depends on what character of “sound” you are seeking from your set up (the entire chain including room and source material)

Unfortunately there seems to be no shortcuts in discovering our personal preferences in this regard. I have gone through a number of different components and combinations ( and spending money) in my personal journey of discovery.

Re: your question on DAC-PreAmps, I have had a few including, most recently a PS Audio Direct stream Jr and a Auralic Aries G1, both which left me wanting more. I was happy (for the time being 😊) with an integrated amp. I know several audio- friends who are very satisfied with their “separates”

You may get better insight and suggestions on good PreAmplifiers from experienced FM if you described your current set up and a description of the sound you are looking for….I benefited from doing this.

I am not familiar with the Topping/SMSL devices that you have mentioned. I assume they are SS?. Have you considered a Tube PreAmp ?
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I use a Soekris r2r with an Audiozen board. This board provides quite a good preamp, a display screen and IR receiver for a universal remote.

I use a Soekris r2r with an Audiozen board. This board provides quite a good preamp, a display screen and IR receiver for a universal remote.

Looks intresting - how much did you have to spend to get it also is it imported?
I have used the Teac UD-301 for several years, it has a very good muses preamp built into it in dual mono configuration.
The preamp can also be defeated with a switch.
it is up for sale if you are interested as I now use Dynaudio speakers that has in-built DAC.
Looks intresting - how much did you have to spend to get it also is it imported?
Yes some of the components i imported, some were already here for another project, cabinet was built locally. Some amount of luck was fortunately inherited to have all the components come together.

Have a good preamp within the dac, reduces an extra box on the rack and adds to WAF.

I assume they are SS?. Have you considered a Tube PreAmp ?

I've owned Tube Amp's in the past not really looking for Tube sound now. What does "SS" mean? The SMSL unit I've been looking at is a dual mono design using 2 x AK4499EX, has a whole plethora of inputs and the geeks over at head-fi seem to like it. I just dont know how well it can perform it's Preamp duties.

This my current chain: PC -> Singsxer SU1 -> Schiit Modi3 -> Matrix Headphone Amp/Preamp -> Lnn Klout Power Amp -> Emit M20

Modi 3 and Headphone Amp I've been using as makeshit devices cause my other stuff broke. I want to remove these two units and get a neutral sounding DAC that can double as a Preamp as well. I know a dedicated Preamp would sound the best but I dont wish to spend more than 1 lakh so am prepared to compromise.
it is up for sale if you are interested as I now use Dynaudio speakers that has in-built DAC.
This is the route I will go down for sure if my beloved Linn Klout ever gives up. Used daily for over 10 years and still going strong.
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I've owned Tube Amp's in the past not really looking for Tube sound now. What does "SS" mean? The SMSL unit I've been looking at is a dual mono design using 2 x AK4499EX, has a whole plethora of inputs and the geeks over at head-fi seem to like it. I just dont know how well it can perform it's Preamp duties.

This my current chain: PC -> Singsxer SU1 -> Schiit Modi3 -> Matrix Headphone Amp/Preamp -> Lnn Klout Power Amp -> Emit M20

Modi 3 and Headphone Amp I've been using as makeshit devices cause my other stuff broke. I want to remove these two units and get a neutral sounding DAC that can double as a Preamp as well. I know a dedicated Preamp would sound the best but I dont wish to spend more than 1 lakh so am prepared to compromise.
Sorry about the abbreviation. SS- solid state
I am also looking at DAC with Preamp. I want to remove my Elekit preamp from the chain. Have to connect my CDP, PC and tape deck as well.

Saw one on Pro-ject Audio seems to tick the box

Currently have iFi Nano DSD, decent sounding.

An AIO seems to be CD-NT670 from Yamaha. Even my CDP can go out. Wifi streaming, Optical, Analog, and CD built in. But here in Yamaha UAE it shows discontinued
I am also looking at DAC with Preamp. I want to remove my Elekit preamp from the chain. Have to connect my CDP, PC and tape deck as well.

Saw one on Pro-ject Audio seems to tick the box

Currently have iFi Nano DSD, decent sounding.

An AIO seems to be CD-NT670 from Yamaha. Even my CDP can go out. Wifi streaming, Optical, Analog, and CD built in. But here in Yamaha UAE it shows discontinued
Looks intresting do you happen to know the price of it?
Using Lavry DA11 with QSC USA 400 powering JBL CF120. Has very good volume matching on all volumes and has no clicks when adjusting volume. Has digitally controlled analog volume control and is potentiometer free.
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Looks intresting do you happen to know the price of it?
Pro-ject DS2 Digital is not seen in the UAE dealer portal (Virgin Megastore) but the Pro-ject Audio site shows Euro 650 or so.

Yamaha CDP is available with one dealer here for AED 2100 (around INR 42,000)
Pro-ject DS2 Digital is not seen in the UAE dealer portal (Virgin Megastore) but the Pro-ject Audio site shows Euro 650 or so.
Seems to be reasanably priced there in UAE. Looks like OTT priced import here in India.
A few months late, but what did you buy in the end?

Topping E70 Velvet
Topping A90 Discrete Pre

Decent combo quite satisfied with the sound. Most in one units with the exception of ADI-2 DAC FS not that great. But ADI out of my budget.
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.