Discrepancy between specs and sound quality - SOULNOTE Chief Designer Kato's Design Philosophy Series

Some important insights in this article that resonate well with my thinking… many other interesting observations that are worth pondering.
He days he designs more by listening than relying on measurements.

Comments like “…because not only can't sound quality be measured by specs, but also better specs can make the sound worse.” are sure to rile pure objectivists. Hope discussions on this are clearly linked to specific context from the article.

Any FM using Soulnote equipment?
Please share your impressions of what this amp does well and your thoughts on the article and the designers approach to audio if possible
I can answer part of the question but I cannot corelate it to the technical description from the article. I bought soulnote sa710 amplifier approx. seven years ago. Currently the amp is paired with KEF LS50s.

I have attended live concerts at the Village Vanguard and the Blue Note in NYC. My personal favourite are Patricia Barber concerts at the Green Mill in Chicago. When I listen to live music from these venues, specifically Jim Anderson recordings of Patricia Barber I am (almost) transported to those venues.
I can answer part of the question but I cannot corelate it to the technical description from the article. I bought soulnote sa710 amplifier approx. seven years ago. Currently the amp is paired with KEF LS50s.

I have attended live concerts at the Village Vanguard and the Blue Note in NYC. My personal favourite are Patricia Barber concerts at the Green Mill in Chicago. When I listen to live music from these venues, specifically Jim Anderson recordings of Patricia Barber I am (almost) transported to those venues.
That’s high praise indeed! Thanks for sharing.
10wpc is good enough to drive the LS50 well?
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