FM Digital Tuner | Stereo Mode | 0.1MHz Shift

Music Freak

Active Member
Dec 6, 2014

I searched for a solution in the earlier posts within this section, however, could not narrow down to the exact issue nor the solution to the problem.

Well, I've got an Akai Digital AM/FM Tuner(Japan make) that works fine in the Mono Mode. But, when I want to listen to a dedicated station in the stereo mode, I have to tune ahead by 0.1 MHz.



Actual Radio Station Frequency: 91.9 MHz (FM Indigo)
Tuned Frequency to achieve reception & Tuner Display Frequency: 91.9 MHz


Actual Radio Station Frequency: 91.9 MHz
Tuned Frequency to achieve stereo reception & Tuner Display Frequency: 92 MHz

I read in one of the earlier posts about US freq bands & a common issue when used in India. So, in this case, it's Japanese Freq band? I can tune all the way up > 104 MHz too & moreover, tuner is fine in the mono mode.

Could anybody please clarify if this is common or unusual ?

Reason(s) for the above issue?

Any possible solution to match the actual radio station frequency & tuned/displayed frequency on the tuner?

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Hi, it's very common and no need to worry about it. All my tuners (had atleast 6) had this issue with stereo. I had to jump higher to get good reception.

I mean not only stereo/mono, even a better mono reception used to come slightly higher or lower than the actual Freq. I thought it was due to the age of the components.

If I remember correctly this was more apparent on distant stations than local ones. Even my NAD 402 and the Onkyo - I rate them the best I had till date, had this issue.

Don't worry, as long as the reception is good you are sorted. Suggest not to try correcting the issue. I don't think there's any diff in FM as far as freq steps are concerned all over the world. The AM certainly differs between Asian and US. They toggle between 9 and 10 khz steps. Anyway pl refrain from correcting the tuner. Hope this helps
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Thanks, Gautam, for confirming that this is not uncommon among the tuners. Fine; will not get it fixed. So, we need to be wary of this issue when we shop for any tuner henceforth & must purchase one from the same region or at least from the same continent.

Probably, I should mask the display or shouldn't look at the tuner when these RJs keep screaming their respective station frequencies! This seems to be the fix then.
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