Large DIY cabinet design for full-range speakers

Here are the final products.
The smaller one using Audio Nirvana Classic 10" drivers double up as Home Theater center speaker. The bigger ones have Audio Nirvana 15" cast frame drivers.

The sound is very close to what I have been dreaming about since the past many decades. The human voices are very detailed and intimate. The plucked strings are realistic and grab your attention. You can identify each instrument and string distinctly. The bass is controlled, detailed, fast but subtle. There is enough of it to make the Cello resonate your sofa, and the drums to sound real. I loved the the sound signature of my Monitor Audio RS6/NAD. This set takes it further in the same direction. I would not want to boast too much here, but it works for me. I mostly listen to Vocal Jazz, Ghazals, Hindustani classical and vintage Hindi music.

One good thing for me is that the vintage gems, such as old recordings from Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan and Ustad Faiyaz Khan, which were unlistenable because of the poor recording quality, are much more listenable on these speakers.

My latest creations! Single full-range driver based classic speakers
by Sharad Medhavi, on Flickr

Outcome of the speaker box is superb.
Some work this weekend...

Please note that this was just a trial. The cabinets are not ready yet. They need to be polished before I start working on the interiors.




The pair hiding behind are the Monitor Audio RS6 towers. They look a bit dwarfed next to the 15inchers :)
Hi, I saw this post and thought I'll just check with you that if you could help me out with some basic sketch or drawings for AN 10" Super Cast.

Thanks in advance.
The absorbing material is Bitumen sheet at selected locations and 450 GSM Polyfill sheet all over. The magnets are 10mm x 10mm cylinders. I have ensured similar polarity for all the pieces that went behind the veneer. Now alignment has to be taken care of while making the grill frame. Haven't started with that yet.
Your meticulous devotion to detail while selecting materials and ensuring consistent polarity for the magnets below the veneer indicates your steadfast commitment to quality soundproofing. Aligning the grill frame is surely an important step in ensuring the integrity of your acoustic setup. Your meticulous approach promises outstanding results in obtaining peak sound performance.PM KISAN
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