Matching Tweeter, Woofer, and Amp.


New Member
Mar 3, 2024
I was trying to build a portable speaker. It started out as a simple idea... build a speaker box that I could plug in my Qudelix 5K to have the awesome app and equalizer. I didn't care if it didn't sound "great"... My goals were: 1: Try not to spend more than necessary. 2: Each speaker no more than 4 inches if I could help it. 3: Separate the highs and lows between a tweeter and a woofer/full range. Added: 4: I wanted to have around 60hz to 19,000hz on a relatively decent flat overall response curve, made more difficult as most Woofers I looked at had a bit too much fall-off around 100 to 80hz. BONUS: 5: Use 4ohm speakers for power efficiency.
I tried to learn what I could browsing many forums and actual build guides.
Looking at Ohms I saw things like: "Make sure the speakers are the same Ohms as the Amp or you will blow the speakers or burn out the amp," or "The speakers can be a higher Ohm than the Amp but they have to be the same as the other speaker," or build guides where the speakers' Ohms didn't match at all.
Looking at Wattage I saw things like: "Match the RMS wattage of all the components," or "Make sure the wattages of the speakers are a bit higher than the Amp so the Amp can't blow them," or "If the speakers' wattages are too high compared to the Amp's then they will stress the Amp."
Looking at Sensitivity I saw: "The ohms and wattage don't matter, it's the sensitivity of the speakers that matters, match that instead," but on some build guides I saw, none of that matched either! I saw things like a 20w RMS 4ohm 90dB 2.83V/1m Tweeter being used with a 50w RMS 8ohm 80dB 2.83V/1m Woofer!
I'm incredibly confused! I spent several days looking at Speakers and Amps trying to just match everything so I don't have to worry about any of it, but that being very difficult isn't even what has stopped me... It's my realization that I'm in way over my head! I'm obviously either missing something or overcomplicating it... for now, I just wanted to know how to match a Tweeter to a Woofer with DECENT accuracy and not blow anything up...
Now with how expensive the parts are that match in ways similar to those above, I'm considering doing a mono Amp with only 1 Tweeter and 1 Woofer for now and eventually building a second later splicing them together by feeding each the split left and right signal... or using two Bluetooth transmitters, each with a split left and right signal out of my Qudellix to each of the Satellite speakers.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.