My Xtz 10.17 (std) subwoofer story.


Active Member
Oct 19, 2017
New Delhi
So i had purchased my xtz 10.17 subwoofer the one which comes with the standard amp( not the edge one) in jan 2019.
So just after an year of use the amp inside my sub went bad and fortunately the amp was under warranty it got repaired free of cost.
So now again after an year the subwoofer started showing some weird symptoms. Was going into protection mode. I took a video and send it to Mr sahil( soundtrails gurgaon) as i got my sub from him.
Taking the sub from my place to his place was always a hassle. (40 kms one side).
He further send it to Mr Partha (chennai) who happens to be the distributor for xtz in india.
Once the sub reached chennai after a span of 5 days it started functioning. So according to them there was no issue.
So we though maybe it was the sub cable issue.
I switched the subwoofer cable and started using the subwoofer. After 15 days or so the problem occurred again. I again reported the issue to Sahil and he further contacted Mr Partha who initially asked us to diagnose whether there is a problem with my AVR. i did all the checks as asked and finally again took it to sahil's place.
This time we tried the sub at sahil's place where Fortunately enough it still didnt work.
Bizarre sense of relief for me atleast that nothing was wrong at my place.
After sending it to chennai which took quite some time due to some logistic issue the sub as usual started functioning normally.
Now Mr partha contacted xtz china and they recommended that the customer should get electricity at his place checked that maybe the sub is not getting apt power suppy.
I told Mr Partha that i have currently 7 ACs at home and atleast 2 of them run concurrently without any stabilizer so it couldnt be the power supply issue. Just to give them proper assurance i called my electrician who throughly checked the socket for any power supply/grounding issue and reported no such problem.
I was reiterating the fact again and again that the sub also did not function at sahils place so obviously no two places can have the same problem.
Xtz is not very well known in india and i think their market share is quite small.
My dealer kept telling me that yours is the first ever case he has witnessed and told me that he had sold atleast 100 such subs and none of them reported any issue.
Frustrated with the unreliable behavior of the sub i started searching the web for any such reported issues. To my surprise on the xtz sweden forum a lot of ppl had reported a similar issue. Infact went over 2 or 3 videos on youtube where ppl have reported the same problem with normal chinese made amp put inside of standard xtz subwoofer.
I forwarded the links to my dealer and Mr Partha that mine is not the first case infact many ppl have infact reproted a similar problem.
But then i kept waiting as i was told that xtz china would take a call as to what is supposed to be done with my sub.
After a while Mr partha contacted me and told me that he can put the edge amp and asked me 44k for it. He told me that he is giving the landed cost and not keeping any margin on it. Initially he had refused to swap the normal emp for edge one telling me that it is not technically feasible as the driver on both the sub models is different.
In the meanwhile i myself contacted xtz sweden and told them the complete story and how the sub had been working intermittently and how the issue couldnt be diagnosed.
Xtz sweden understood my concern and offered me a really good deal on the edge amp and also gave me a 5 year warranty on the amp. So the msrp on the edge amp was $370 and i just had to pay 170 for it.
All this while i contacted quite a few ppl on the forum who had dealt with Mr Partha and the one thing quite common was that it is not easy to convince him regarding such issues and he puts the blame onto customers.
In my case i am not really sure whether he followed up honestly or not but all i know is that i didnt get any solution from them and i had to involve myself and had to take all the efforts to get this sorted.

I got the new amp delivered to my brother's place in london in order to save on duties and shipping. I am awaiting the delivery which might happen probably next week.

A quick tip : i will have the spare amp with me xtz 10.17 ( got its capacitors changed on xtz sweden advise) so can it be put to any good use.

Glad things got sorted to some extent for you. It's sad that some dealers don't support you after a sale is done. Fortunate for me, not faced such an experience till date from the dealers / wholesalers I know.

Please post pics of the new Sub amp later once it comes and is fixed up.
Although my dealer took all my calls but he just passed on whatever i guess Mr Partha told him to. I really cant say how big of a role he had in all this..


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Although my dealer took all my calls but he just passed on whatever i guess Mr Partha told him to. I really cant say how big of a role he had in all this..
Is this the new amp? Looks very well packed. Would XTZ be helping you in installing it?

Is this the new amp? Looks very well packed. Would XTZ be helping you in installing it?

Yes this is the new amp. Got it delivered last month.
Thought xtz had shared the installation guidelines over the mail and according to them its fairly simple.
Though i might take someone's help.
My dealer kept telling me that yours is the first ever case he has witnessed and told me that he had sold atleast 100 such subs and none of them reported any issue.
This is the problem and excuse given from most of our dealers. Once they make a sale, they don't care. After sales is almost non existent. Its not how you build a business or a relationship for what is a niche area, that is audio products.

Problems like this are rare. When they do happen, the dealer needs to back you up, especially when you're under warranty. Not find fault with you or your actions.

You MUST call XTZ Sweden again and report how Partha handled your case. They need to know. This is a case of a product under warranty. For all the pains you went through, that amplifier should have come to you free. Anyway, its too late for that so we'll let this go. If the problem repeats, you know what to do.

A colleague experienced something similar with a demo SVS SB3000 Ultra. It was not bought, yet. The dealer loaned it to him for demo and the amplifier popped while the unit was being used at home. This is ARN Systems, Bangalore. Not sure if they still in business. They replaced the amplifier module or fixed it, can't remember which and then offered the same unit at a much lower price than a brand new unit. No running from pillar to post. This is how you handle a customer and ensure you bring them back to your store.
This is the problem and excuse given from most of our dealers. Once they make a sale, they don't care. After sales is almost non existent. Its not how you build a business or a relationship for what is a niche area, that is audio products.

Problems like this are rare. When they do happen, the dealer needs to back you up, especially when you're under warranty. Not find fault with you or your actions.

You MUST call XTZ Sweden again and report how Partha handled your case. They need to know. This is a case of a product under warranty. For all the pains you went through, that amplifier should have come to you free. Anyway, its too late for that so we'll let this go. If the problem repeats, you know what to do.

A colleague experienced something similar with a demo SVS SB3000 Ultra. It was not bought, yet. The dealer loaned it to him for demo and the amplifier popped while the unit was being used at home. This is ARN Systems, Bangalore. Not sure if they still in business. They replaced the amplifier module or fixed it, can't remember which and then offered the same unit at a much lower price than a brand new unit. No running from pillar to post. This is how you handle a customer and ensure you bring them back to your store.
Ya so i must clarify my subwoofer i guess was not under warranty. But i think when it went the second time they cudnt diagnose the issue. They mistook it for some sub cable issue.
My gripe was that i had paid a hefty amount putting my trust in the brand and i dont deserve such unreliable behaviour.
This whole scenario could have been handled in a much better way.
I have owned 12.17 and Spirit 12 subs,but luckily never faced any issue with the Xtz quality. Also shows how unreliable Indian distributors are when it comes to service. I had bad experience with Emotiva India distributor,who wasn't sending me the mother board inspite of being under warranty...
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