Now, what does this mean?

I discovered another thread here discussing this
The same perplexing quote is also presented there!
Not really, i can be critical in the evening and have it at the background and passive listening by night just enjoying the music.

You can switch the immediate task but the goal is usually one, also personally background music is not "listening to music" and certainly not truly enjoying music or something a music lover would do, this is of course just my opinion.
Not really, i can be critical in the evening and have it at the background and passive listening by night just enjoying the music.
I agree. The urge to classify things in binaries (black and white, good and bad, music lover and gear lover etc is instinctive even when it’s not factual.

We feel comfortable and content once we are able to slot concepts, people into neat categories. The problem is these are often simplistic and ignores complexities that define such situations and people.

We can and should go beyond this? After all this forum is populated by mature, experienced and very insightful people.
After all this forum is populated by mature, experienced and very insightful people.
For the most part, yes. But then everyone is entitled to their opinion and you know what they say about opinions and a**h**** - everybody has one!

And to preempt everyone who looks accusingly at me when interpreting the asterisks - I plead guilty. :p
For the most part, yes. But then everyone is entitled to their opinion and you know what they say about opinions and a**h**** - everybody has one!

And to preempt everyone who looks accusingly at me when interpreting the asterisks - I plead guilty. :p
Sure, everyone has these and many other characteristics that define our species.
But not to get distracted from the issue, (audiophiles and music lovers are two distinct and exclusive types of people)?
Any opinion?😄

Sure, everyone has these and many other characteristics that define our species.
But not to get distracted from the issue, (audiophiles and music lovers are two distinct and exclusive types of people)?
Any opinion?😄

what leaves me headscratching are those who buy good equipment spend a lot of time and effort in setting it up and say there are not an audiophile.. Like a Lion saying its Vegan ?
what leaves me headscratching are those who buy good equipment spend a lot of time and effort in setting it up and say there are not an audiophile.. Like a Lion saying its Vegan ?
I know I feel uncomfortable being categorised and labelled in any manner as I find them one dimensional and limiting.
As Dylan wrote and sang “I contain multitudes…”
Maybe I am not alone in this sentiment 🙂
what leaves me headscratching are those who buy good equipment spend a lot of time and effort in setting it up and say there are not an audiophile.. Like a Lion saying it’s Vegan ?
We are all humble, but all know everything. It’s just a matter of time, until our belief is hurt. Then the lion is no longer vegan.

Sure, everyone has these and many other characteristics that define our species.
But not to get distracted from the issue, (audiophiles and music lovers are two distinct and exclusive types of people)?
Any opinion?😄
Not mutually exclusive. We all are little bit of audiophile ourselves - otherwise we won’t have been on this or other audio forums , or reading reviews , or buying gear the price of which we hardly ever divulge to our central ministry. ;)

The difference starts when the objective of your obsessions take a turn - either towards buying and setting up gear alone, selling them and buying something else after a year or two , starting from scratch with everything else .. OR we start obsessing about music sources - different issues / reprints / bootlegs of our favourite artists and comparing if on one reissue the sound of coughing from the 7th row is as clear as on the rare and very pricey original issue CD or vinyl. None of these two obsessions lead to satisfaction with actually sitting down and enjoying your favourite music without the distraction of mobile or internet - and the irony is love for music is what started this obsession in the first place.

Just my two cents.

PS : In the community where I live , both gear and source obsession is exclusively limited to the white privileged Americans , mostly near retirement. The African Americans - even the well off ones - don’t give two hoots to either & instead will play , chill and dance to music and have a great time in general.
So I wonder if this is a racial thing as well …
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In the community where I live , both gear and source obsession is exclusively limited to the white privileged Americans , mostly near retirement. The African Americans - even the well off ones - don’t give two hoots to either & instead will play , chill and dance to music and have a great time in general.
So I wonder if this is a racial thing as well …
More likely a cultural thing.
Audiophilia is learnt, just like racism and other forms of discrimination
More likely a cultural thing.
Audiophilia is learnt, just like racism and other forms of discrimination
I agree, to learn to be an audiophile someone has to tell you how and what it matters. it could be someone you know , a great setup or stumbling into an audio forum while creating a Home theater :D

I will leave discrimination/racism to another forum but I could not agree with you more on that topic of it being learnt .
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