What Do You Get When You Spend More for Speakers?

This is what I had noticed on expensive speakers:

1. Unique aesthetics- better or worse is subjective
2. Better build
3. Higher quality parts
4. Insanely expensive accessories
5. Longer warranty
6. Better reviews online - paid and honest

None of these means it would be a step up in sound quality department always. That totally depends on who is stronger in the company : the engeering or the marketing.
And this related article is worth a read too for those interested in the topic.
Again they're Shying away from addressing the Elephant 🐘 in the Room...
That is Room itself, This is the thing that matters most in an Audio Setup, No ifs and buts, No beating around the bush ; move to a dedicated room, get the Acoustics Right, then invest on Devices. Unfortunately Room matters more than the Transducer.

I wish like 6 Airbags are made Mandatory, GOI mandates at least two 2x4ft Acoustic Panels (Size /Absorber/diffuser based on listener's discretion) Bundled free with any highend audio purchases, above say 1000USD or 1L in INR. Many of our assumed costly upgrades don't actually materialise into real upgrades for the most of us, because of Room issues.
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The article does mention this aspect (2nd paragraph) though not as emphatically

A Government legislation on room treatment for audio 😂😂😂 Good one!

I would be happy with reduction in custom tariff for (non wholesale quantities) HiFi imports
Well having heard a megabuck setup recently which was posted about in this very forum by @prem , I can say that the difference between a mid-fi setup and a mega buck setup is incredibly stark.

The first thing that hits you in the face is the incredible resolution and that an incredible amount of detail is being thrown at you.

The second more profound thing that hits you is the fact that the resolution is presented in a manner not to set off the typical audiophile alarm bells in you - in fact everything is incredibly natural.

The third thing that that you realize is the amount of layering and instrument separation that exists even in ordinary recordings - On mid-fi systems like mine, you never hear all this at all. Even things like mood of the singer and what he/she is feeling is incredibly obvious.

Finally - the quest we have for analog/organic sound - this is automatic. Other than taming the room and giving great electronics, very little needs to be done!
Well having heard a megabuck setup recently which was posted about in this very forum by @prem , I can say that the difference between a mid-fi setup and a mega buck setup is incredibly stark.

The first thing that hits you in the face is the incredible resolution and that an incredible amount of detail is being thrown at you.

The second more profound thing that hits you is the fact that the resolution is presented in a manner not to set off the typical audiophile alarm bells in you - in fact everything is incredibly natural.

The third thing that that you realize is the amount of layering and instrument separation that exists even in ordinary recordings - On mid-fi systems like mine, you never hear all this at all. Even things like mood of the singer and what he/she is feeling is incredibly obvious.

Finally - the quest we have for analog/organic sound - this is automatic. Other than taming the room and giving great electronics, very little needs to be done!
Nicely expressed. Bad news for our bank balance, but hope springs eternal!

But the caveat is also that just spending more money on very expensive components alone does not guarantee great audio playback quality and a “live” sound experience.

Synergy between components, a good understanding of room acoustics, placement of speakers and decent quality of sources and choices of recordings all matter too.

No shortcuts for newbies to audio nirvana…but the journey is fun and filled with learning and insights, even as the wallets (and spouses) protest at times. It’s tough choosing an amp or speaker over a Botswana wild life experience.
Well having heard a megabuck setup recently which was posted about in this very forum by @prem , I can say that the difference between a mid-fi setup and a mega buck setup is incredibly stark.

The first thing that hits you in the face is the incredible resolution and that an incredible amount of detail is being thrown at you.

The second more profound thing that hits you is the fact that the resolution is presented in a manner not to set off the typical audiophile alarm bells in you - in fact everything is incredibly natural.

The third thing that that you realize is the amount of layering and instrument separation that exists even in ordinary recordings - On mid-fi systems like mine, you never hear all this at all. Even things like mood of the singer and what he/she is feeling is incredibly obvious.

Finally - the quest we have for analog/organic sound - this is automatic. Other than taming the room and giving great electronics, very little needs to be
A midfi system will do most of above. It’s all about synergy and setting it up right. Where it will lack is in resolution. If your source is streaming, then the differences will reduce to minimal because the source material itself in most cases is a bit compromised

The system we heard was also a bit lacking in lower mids and bass amplitude, impact and resolution. To give you an example, Amitabh’s voice just didn’t have the necessary weight and density. In Chris Rea song, drums didn’t have the necessary impact.

I think what really impressed you was the relaxed nature with all the details.

To give context, I consider mine as a midfi system
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A midfi system will do most of above. It’s all about synergy and setting it up right. Where it will lack is in resolution. If your source is streaming, then the differences will reduce to minimal because the source material itself in most cases is a bit compromised

The system we heard was also a bit lacking in lower mids and bass amplitude, impact and resolution. To give you an example, Amitabh’s voice just didn’t have the necessary weight and density. In Chris Rea song, drums didn’t have the necessary impact.

True! Some of the lack of bass amplitude is probably due to the size of the speaker (bookshelf with 8" bass driver) within a highly damped smaller room.
i would like to believe that , with higher pay, one gets a product which is thoroughly researched, measured, compared, nuanced to a specific voicing and color, the box and design being optimized for the driver it houses...and a consistency in the quality and technology applied.

dunno about those 3cr and above systems, but offerings under 15 lakh range is pretty interesting and diverse.
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