When to mark an item sold


Active Member
Jun 17, 2012
Moderator's Note: Interesting but offtopic discussion on a sale thread has been branched off as a separate thread.
A suggestion for members selling on HFV Classifieds Section:: Why not just change the listing status to sold once the payment is received. In my humble opinion for the sake of transparency and mutual respect in a members only forum, this can be practised even when "in principle agreement" for sale has been agreed upon by both parties. Afterall new posts should be relevant and not invite clicking just to be informed that the item is on hold or sold, that is why post banners exist. Any information regarding shipping, packing etc. might not be of interest to members not involved in the transaction. I am only mentioning this as a general observation, since many other sale posts from other members are in the same vein.
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sold once the payment is received. In my humble opinion for the sake of transparency and mutual respect in a members only forum, this can be practised even when "in principle agreement" for sale has been agreed upon by both parties.
I Got Your point.
But its better to be marked as Sold only after item is received by the buyer.
Updating the status is to avoid getting PMs from other prospective buyers. Imagine replying everyone that it's shipped already, or being rude by not replying to PMs at all.

Hopefully that clarifies your doubts ; & for people looking for price drops, they will unfortunately have to work hard by clicking everytime on the sale post updates! There's no other way to get a great bargains.
Thanks for the explanation. I do understand trepidation inherent in waiting for the payment. But sincerely hope receiving payment ends the sale. Shipping is entirely different ball game and may depend on many factors including but not limited to the terms agreed. Once the money is in the sellers pocket it is game over and warrants the sold sign.
But sincerely hope receiving payment ends the sale. Shipping is entirely different ball game and may depend on many factors including but not limited to the terms agreed. Once the money is in the sellers pocket it is game over and warrants the sold sign.
Unfortunately I don't think so, I believe unless the buyer receives the item, I'm not comfortable marking it sold. I'm not selling it on Olx; Selling it to a fellow audiophile, so I feel responsible for the same.

Also that gives a chance for Buyer to clarify in case of any problems after receiving the item.
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Your intentions are genuine but "sold" means not available to other buyers. It gives reassurance to the buyer that the seller is committed and is not actively considering other offers. Selling process does entail buyer satisfaction and possibility of return if unsatisfied (subject to the terms of sale). This Model is widely followed to different lenghts by customercentric online and offline retailers. But all of them will list the item as unavailable unless it is returned to seller for whatever reason. Buyers cannot in any way benefit from this practice. On the contrary, It does seem that not labeling the item as "sold" is only helping the sellers in keeping the "for sale" threads alive.
Interesting discussion. From their respective standpoints, both arguments are correct IMO.
Extra tabs such as these will be beneficial in everyones' interest.

Reserved - If the item has been reserved, or if a financial transaction has occurred, but is pending shipment.
Unavailable - if the OP has changed his mind on the sale.

Also, an option to go back and change the Sale post to any of these options (including, SOLD) beyond the expiry of 'Account Upgrade' privileges.

Kindly consider, @arj @Naturelover @Nikhil
There are many stages in any transaction
1. Publish item for sale (seller)
2. Buyers evince interest and ask seller to reserve and indicate time by which money will be paid
3. Seller marks item as reserved on a first come served basis
4. Buyers now know that most probably the item will not be available. They can still indicate interest to reserve in case first buyer backs out
5. Seller receives money, in which case he marks item as sold. At this point the item should be considered as unavailable. But the seller may decide not to close the listing till the item is received by the buyer to the buyer's satisfaction. In case seller doesn't receive money in the stipulated time, he can indicate that the item is back for sale if there were no other buyers. Or he may decide to reserve it for the second buyer who showed interest
6. Seller ships the item. Indicates that the item has been shipped.
7. Buyer receives the item. He is happy. The seller closes the listing. Now few things can happen here. Buyer may not receive the item, or the item got damaged or the item sent was defective. I think this is a grey area, but there can be few guidlines on how to resolve it.
Ha ha popcorn time. Not sure if this topic required the discussion. A seller is selling an item that he owns on a post he created on a forum he is a member of. It's his wish when, how, why and with what he updates the sale post. He can close it when he feels it right.

On a serious note there have been instances when a buyer backs out at the last moment, even after money has been paid. Reason could be anything, a spec just noticed that's not compatible, a better item came up on sale, better sense prevailed, effect of that single malt going down, etc. It's easier to just update the status to Available again than to reopen a post or create a new one. Plus it's a good public tracker.

Just my opinion.

I had moved some OT posts on a sale thread as a separate thread so that some interesting discussions take place and some useful suggestions are made (some have already be made) for us to consider implementing. I've also added this as "Moderator's Note" in the 1st post. If someone finds this a discussion frivolous or unfructuous, he/ she may stay away.
Extra tabs such as these will be beneficial in everyones' interest.

Reserved - If the item has been reserved, or if a financial transaction has occurred, but is pending shipment.
Unavailable - if the OP has changed his mind on the sale.
Good suggestions.
Also, an option to go back and change the Sale post to any of these options (including, SOLD) beyond the expiry of 'Account Upgrade' privileges.
It's already there.
There are many stages in any transaction
1. Publish item for sale (seller)
2. Buyers evince interest and ask seller to reserve and indicate time by which money will be paid
3. Seller marks item as reserved on a first come served basis
4. Buyers now know that most probably the item will not be available. They can still indicate interest to reserve in case first buyer backs out
5. Seller receives money, in which case he marks item as sold. At this point the item should be considered as unavailable. But the seller may decide not to close the listing till the item is received by the buyer to the buyer's satisfaction. In case seller doesn't receive money in the stipulated time, he can indicate that the item is back for sale if there were no other buyers. Or he may decide to reserve it for the second buyer who showed interest
6. Seller ships the item. Indicates that the item has been shipped.
7. Buyer receives the item. He is happy. The seller closes the listing. Now few things can happen here. Buyer may not receive the item, or the item got damaged or the item sent was defective. I think this is a grey area, but there can be few guidlines on how to resolve it.
Good suggestions but makes it too complicated. We can't visualise all kinds of scenarios and make provision for the same.
Also, an option to go back and change the Sale post to any of these options (including, SOLD) beyond the expiry of 'Account Upgrade' privileges.
It's already there.

I checked again. There is no edit option to mark the Sale Post to SOLD, for posts where the account upgrade has expired.
Also, an option to go back and change the Sale post to any of these options (including, SOLD) beyond the expiry of 'Account Upgrade' privileges.

I checked again. There is no edit option to mark the Sale Post to SOLD, for posts where the account upgrade has expired.
Ohh! Wasn't aware. Will see what can be done.
Ohh! Wasn't aware. Will see what can be done.
Any update on this sir ?
Had posted a pair of speakers for sale and now my account has expired. So am unable to edit the sale post and make a price reduction as it shows insufficient privilege.
So can this option to edit be made available after account expiry, for a certain period of time...say 3 months.
Thank you
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Any update on this sir ?
Once account is expired, there's no provision to amend or add to the sale thread.
Had posted a pair of speakers for sale and now my account has expired. So am unable to edit the sale post and make a price reduction as it shows insufficient privilege.
So can this option to edit be made available after account expiry, for a certain period of time...say 3 months.
Thank you
You may ping the mods linking the thread. It'll be marked accordingly.
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