Why FM Yelamenchali Manohar aka newlash09 is a total badass

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Bloom@83 should never have asked or accepted money from Newlash09 as it was neither his fault or responsibility to refund the amount. Absolutely no moral justification on Bloom@83's part to take money from Newlash09. My 2 cents.
Probably, my long association with the fellow members made me believe, this is a beautiful world and I should trust every FM. I should have been careful that time.
Once upon a time, when I was much younger and tremendously naïve, I believed that too. Many bad experiences have taught me that it is untrue - not always, but most of the time. Now, I think these experiences have turned me into a bigger vulture than most of the ones out there but this vulture has a conscience [at least that is what I think/believe] :)
And what exactly gives you and rest of the FMs the authority to ask for a justification from me ?

The words you spoken were too rude. These kind of statements will spoil your reputation. returning the money or not, it's between you and Manohar . But the last few post from you creates a suspicion about your integrity.
Thanks Keith and Sourvin. I got confused about power supply.
Pandemic is not an excuse. When I get courier/packets and if there is no urgency I keep them in one corner of my room where it stays there for a week or two. So I believe Warranty Card should have been preserved. Just keep it in a plastic bag if one is worried about pandemic.
waiting for answers from OP about other two questions.
Pls dont ridicule the OP anymore. This thread was about Manohar. Lets celebrate the sainthood of the man. If he doesnt have anything against OP, there is no reason for others to say anything. Everything that happens is for good only.
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