220V amplifier


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
I am so much accustomed to using electrical equipment, i have forgotten that what is the input voltage in Mumbai or India,Is 220Volts line input on an amplifier will run comfortably
Hi Mekr,
It should play fine though we run on 230V as there will be a band in which the unit will operate and it should not cause any problems.
Having said that i had a unit (bryston) set at 220V with a small LED at the rear which was basically a LINE VOLTAGE STATUS INDICATOR which should remain green at all times. I found that on powering up the amp the indicator turned RED but the amp still played fine!!. On checking with the Co I was informed that the amp had a PRESET which had to be adjusted to enable it to accept 230V. It was a minor procedure and all was fine later.
Most gear set at 220V should be ok though but like in my case some could just need some fine tuning.
Hope this helps.
I think the "official" voltage in India is 240V but most places get between 220 and 240 (lower in rural areas). Most home equipment is made to work with +/- 10%, so your 220V amplifier will not have any problems.
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