40 Years

And then the one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

And you run and you run
To catch up with the sun
But it's sinking

Racing around
To come up behind you again

The sun is the same
In a relative way
But you're older

Shorter of breath
And one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter
Never seem to find the time

Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines

Hanging on in quiet desperation
Is the English way

The time is gone
The song is over
Thought I'd something more to say
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon


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We dont need no education
We dont need no thought control
All in all, it's just a
Nother brick in the wall

All in all, you're just a
Nother brick in the wall
I like Pink Floyd discs only to show off my music system but somehow I can't enjoy the music. Somehow I don't understand this music. (Maybe I am weird :p )

Another brick in the wall is an exception which I do like.
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Shivam, you are not alone... I only like a few floyd albums myself. There is so much more to listen to!
40 years! Goodness, then it must around fifty since the really good Pink Floyd albums!

Memories... if I remember right, my first ever non-classical album purchase was Ummagumma.
Shivam said:
somehow I can't enjoy the music. Somehow I don't understand this music. (Maybe I am weird )
Do you like Western classical music? Back in my late teens, I found Ummagumma a natural succession from classical. Another old Floyd favourite: Meddle. The rest I don't remember so well, except for some of the old singles, which I came across on Relics. I should check out Atom Heart Mother, I've entirely forgotten it!

When Dark Side of The Moon came along, it didn't feel original: it felt like the pink floyd trying to sound like the pink floyd and it didn't impress me. This is a purely personal reaction, that I am remembering from, well, 40 years ago! So I'm not going to be able to enlarge on it or justify it --- but I recall having those exact words in my head. I don't know any of their subsequent albums.

Yes, the album, and its cover, have certainly become iconic. I recommend people who like it to listen to their earlier music. I recommend people who don't like it to listen to their earlier music :)

All in all, no doubt about it: Hats off to the Pink Floyd!
I like Pink Floyd discs only to show off my music system but somehow I can't enjoy the music. Somehow I don't understand this music. (Maybe I am weird :p )

Another brick in the wall is an exception which I do like.

I am with you
Another Brick in The Wall is a statement that many of us sympathised with, regardless of the music! Mind you, 40 years later, when I see the schooling that I almost despised unlocking the prison of poverty for children, I think a little differently now!
DSOTM is really just the dessert of the PF spread. Their meat and potatoes (and the gravy) are elsewhere. Not everyone gets their music easily, but once you do, it haunts you. I thought PF was fluff till I heard The Wall. The music is not really easy on your ears till the penny drops, but the lyrics? That's a different argument altogether...
I saw the Pink Floyd, once, in about 1972. I really do not remember much about it. But hey, if I did remember, then I wouldn't have actually been there, right?

And I didn't remember much about it the next day, let alone now. So I was definitely there.
I saw the Pink Floyd, once, in about 1972. I really do not remember much about it. But hey, if I did remember, then I wouldn't have actually been there, right?

And I didn't remember much about it the next day, let alone now. So I was definitely there.

That is awesome! I'm guessing it's the music that made you forget a lot of stuff...;)
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