A nice explanation of DACs and how their design affects sound quality

As far as imparting knowledge goes this is a decent video but most of this will not help the buyer in deciding "which DAC?" since there will be no way to know how most stuff that he mentions is implemented in a commercial DAC. Also there are some falsehood's in there which I will not point out because then trolls [some troll knowingly and some unknowingly but the same term applies for both species] will descend and these days I find that my health is far better in not engaging with them - that goes for reading their comments as well as me feeling compelled to respond to them.
Good tutorial on DAC technology
Just discount these points as they are overkill for a simple DAC :D
* femto clock accuracy
* (-120dB to -150dB) noise floor

His video did pique my curiosity about crystal oscillators used in Femto clocks (heard this term for the first time)
I understood that Better DACs use the best crystal oscillators and are implemented well (and likely more expensive)

So here is some more. (But only if you can handle the truth:)).

But as @keith_correa points out it’s impossible to which part of the chain is responsible for the SQ unless that part is swapped out leaving the rest of the chain intact. But if there are factual errors, do point them out. (You are not responsible for others’ behaviour)

Just to refresh my memory I looked up the word. I think no one will troll after reading this description:
In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception. Wikipedia

I don’t think the video was meant to help viewers select a DAC, but more about understanding how they work and why some DACs sound better?
But if there are factual errors, do point them out. (You are not responsible for others’ behaviour)
Additionally, I'm hardly qualified to comment especially since one of the DAC's that I use often is this. And this is after blowing the dust off it for the benefit of the camera. Do take multiple deep breaths after viewing the pic. :cool:


  • DAC.jpeg
    120.1 KB · Views: 68
Additionally, I'm hardly qualified to comment especially since one of the DAC's that I use often is this. And this is after blowing the dust off it for the benefit of the camera. Do take multiple deep breaths after viewing the pic. :cool:
@captrajesh This image deserves a permanent ban :p . Will someone send this product to ASR?
I'm hardly qualified to comment especially since one of the DAC's that I use often is this.
love it man. I have two like this, one of which has been loaned to @Dr Sarkar ;)
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You guys can laugh all you want but in your mirth, don't fail to notice the 23.5 ct. gold plated, squeaky clean RCA terminals and the ultra precise, Rhodesian sourced, illegally mined and rarified quartz crystal oscillator that taps it's foot in perfect sync with the feet of my laptop. It's named the "Bustard" and is the 3rd cousin of the "Gustard" on its mothers side.

I would have posted a pic of my laptop too but that would have been too much for you guys to handle in one day.
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