About to go in for Marantz CD6003


Active Member
Oct 5, 2009
Mumbai , India
Hi All,

This is my first post on this site. I am sure I will get the best out of it. Ok!! I am about to go in for the Marantz CD6003 . My existing setup consists of :
PS3 Slim ,
Marantz NR1501 slim AV RECEIVER,
JBL CONTROL NOW for rear surrounds
JBL Centre Channel
SAMSUNG LED 55 (7 Series).
At present we enjoy listening to music mainly which is primarily played throught the PS3 hard drive. Mainly MP3s. Very seldom do we watch movies in full blown surround since we have a baby home.
Problem is that my better half is totally anti-gadget and needs to listen to music with ease of playing a CD and not go through the PS3 menus.
My question is: How would the Marantz CD6003 sound with my existing amp (MARANTZ NR1501) and JAMO C606 speakers.
How would the sound quality of MP3s and CDs compare to the Pioneer player and if better, would it be Rs. 20,000 times better.
Also, what connection would be better between the CD6003 and the Marantz NR1501, ANALOGUE or DIGITAL.
This would really help my decision to go in for this player.

Thanks all

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I listen to mp3s on my 6002 it is very very good.

If you want to know in monetary terms, the SQ is better by a margin of at least rupees 5/- per track over a non-audiophile player. So within 4000 songs you should get your value for money back :)

I listen to mp3s on my 6002 it is very very good.

If you want to know in monetary terms, the SQ is better by a margin of at least rupees 5/- per track over a non-audiophile player. So within 4000 songs you should get your value for money back :)


And how did you come to this figure ? :)
lemme guess...4000 songs played atleast once or 1 song played 4000 times :rolleyes: - assuming each instance is worth Rs.5/- makes it 20k; the aprx value of the player :)
can I get rich if I play it in loop for a year?


...could be sooner than you think!
hey sunny
with your current set up and mp3 music youre not going to get that much of an increase in sq. no point dropping 20k on a cdp. youre system is only as good as your weakest link
Thanks for the input. Are you saying that my existing amp and speakers when coupled to a cd6003 will sound almost the same like now with the pioneer DVD player ? Of course I also intend to use purely audio CDs as well. Won't that have a marked difference with a dedicated cd player.
if you can audition a dedicated cdp on your setup. even if its not the cd6003 but something in that range. and see if the increase in sq is worth the 20k. there definitely will be an increase in sq. its just about whether its worth 20k.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.