Active Member
Hi I am starting this thread with thanks to this site and its members. This is because last month I purchsed my 2 channel audio set up with guide from cranky whom I met through hifivision only. Now he is a good freind . My set up speaker -B&W 685, cdp -CA 640c and Amp -Cyrus 6vs 2 . The selection was made from very few options in kolkata.I was not in a mood to wait , research and wait .I am enjoying my system. However I am thinking to upgrade the amp to have some more power . Cyrus 6vs2 is 40 w/pch and recommended power for B&W is 25-100 w . My area is a L shaped living room with 16'wide and 20'length on one side and 11' length on another side. Before purchasing I have heard-Arcam -Diva , Creek Evolution , NAD c352 , Cayin , CA640A . Cyrus was best and suited my budget then. I just want to add some power since if Iwant to listen louder some time -in my area that might help. Do I add a power amp . Has any body experienced Arcam AJ38 (since 105w pch)and B&W combo. Or any suggestion for amp with B&W 685 . For budget with in 100K will be fine. ( I have exceeded the intial limit and set a new one: hiting the pocket but filling the heart since before this I had a sony portable cd and casste player for 10 years )
I have already decided to add a sub-velodyne CHT with my system . Depending upon the feed back and my audition I will decide whether to power upgrade the amp or not and keep cool . Obviously apart from power ( may be psycological ) in the amp I am not going to upgrade/change anything unless my system gives any problem going future .
I have already decided to add a sub-velodyne CHT with my system . Depending upon the feed back and my audition I will decide whether to power upgrade the amp or not and keep cool . Obviously apart from power ( may be psycological ) in the amp I am not going to upgrade/change anything unless my system gives any problem going future .