and finally ... my Onkyo TX-SR608


Active Member
Mar 3, 2010
Well! It has been close to 4 weeks of hunting for speakers for my Onkyo TX-SR608. It all started a month ago, after the dazzling black machine arrived from Singapore, and I started getting a bit restless about not being able to use it.

For the 5.1 configuration, I auditioned the Moviestar 70+, Energey take 5.1, and Mission cinema. Honestly, none of them could match the musicality of a good pair of bookshelves.

I then auditioned the Wharfe 9.5, 9.2, 10.1 and the 8.3, the Polk Tsi200 and 300, the Jamo S660, S4**, Monitor Audio BR5 along with models from Elac, B&W and Yamaha (sorry can't remember the models).

For my budget (20k for FS/BS), listening area (150 sq. ft), tastes (Smooth Jazz, blues, pop, ultra soft rock, some classical devotional, retro bollywood), I finally narrowed down on the Tsi300 and the Diamond 9.2. (could not audition the RTiA1 as they were out of stocks)

After a third hearing - with my favourite songs burnt on a CD - the choice was glaringly obvious.

The Tsi300 was readily available for delivery, and what with 4 weeks of waiting, I was strongly tempted to have them loaded in the car, but the heart was clear, it was pointing elsewhere ...

The Wharfedale Diamond 9.2 it had to be and it was :yahoo:

You can't cheat your heart, can you? ;)
Congratulations & Samepinchhhhhh :lol:

even I paired my 608 with Wharf 9.2 on saturday :licklips:

Waiting for the delivery of Wharf 9 CS and 9DFS and Def tech Prosub800 to complete my 5.1 set up.. :)

Let me know the settings to be changed in Onkyo 608 to get the best out of it..for the above combo

Cheers !! :clapping:
Congrats Pannags. I too found the polk tsi 300 very good. The Wharf 9.2 had a little
more bass than I would want and the polk tsi 300 sounded perfect in every way.

That said, a lot depends on what comes between the source and speakers. So in
your setup, the wharf may sound better than the polk. When I auditioned the polk,
the shop owner clearly said that I would need a stereo amp or a power block to
extract the true potential and the AVR may not be able to feed the polks. He said
you might like it here in my setup but get disappointed at home when you connect
to your AVR.

However between the polk and wharf in question, you cannot go wrong either way.

How much did you pay for 9.2?
Are you going to build the remaining 5.1 setup slowly?
Thanks very much Pradeep, Spirovious, Sivakuru, Rajeeb

@Pradeep: Will surely keep you posted ... It seems like ages I ordered them ;)

@Siva: Agree completely. It was a close call, and the bass dept. made the difference. In fact, I'm waiting to play my fav Smooth Jazz collection on the Wharfies :D

@Rajeeb: 14.5k + 1.8k for the cables. yes. thats really the idea ... build up the system slowly, and when I really feel the need for it. For now, It'll be the sound of music
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.