Any Feedback on Wharfedale Linton ?


Dec 3, 2012

Anyone owning Wharfedale Linton Speakers or had listening experience ?
Looking forward to some feedback and also places in Gurgaon/NCR, where I can demo these.


Anyone owning Wharfedale Linton Speakers or had listening experience ?
Looking forward to some feedback and also places in Gurgaon/NCR, where I can demo these.

Yes Myself own it.It's a good speaker for its money.
What is your source and amp .
Its a good speaker. The best way i would describe this speaker is - warm sounding.
So see if it suits your sound preference.

Anyone owning Wharfedale Linton Speakers or had listening experience ?
Looking forward to some feedback and also places in Gurgaon/NCR, where I can demo these.

Bass N Treble at Ghitorni carry Wharfedales. You could call Denny/Jenny and set up an audition.
Bass N Treble at Ghitorni carry Wharfedales. You could call Denny/Jenny and set up an audition.
Thanks. Will check with them for Demo !!

Yes Myself own it.It's a good speaker for its money.
What is your source and amp .
Source is Tidal using HEOS app from Denon 1600h. How is the Mid Range and Mid Bass ?

I own a pair of Lintons 85. They are very good set of speakers and need to match it with suitable amp.
Whats your opinion on the Vocal output and the Mid Range Bass output ?
Whats your opinion on the Vocal output and the Mid Range Bass output ?
Vocals are very prominent and detailed, can hear all details and low mid frequencies of Diana Krall. Bass is good and plenty, needs a solid amp to keep it controlled. Treble is not prominent I would say, but has good details.
Contrary to the popular opinion - Good imaging. need to arrive at a compromise with soundstage width though.
Great midrange. Vocals sound awesome, esp female vocals.
Extremely high WAF. Gorgeous looks, very good build.
Slightly on the warmer side of neutral. depends on source and amp.
Good soundstage. speakers disappear in your room.

Need a good amp else those woofers and lower mid-range sound boomy.
Need space behind them. At least 18" from the rear wall. Clarity is compromised otherwise.
Need space on the sides. Soundstage width is compromised otherwise.
Good textured bass but bottoms at ~40Hz. However, what more could you ask from a bookshelf after all!

Not so good:
Low dynamics. Avg. performer with rock genre
Achilles Heel: Top end simmer/air/space is not present. Folks have taken care of the same with simple crossover upgrades but best to leave that conversation for another time, and that should not play into your buying criteria.
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Source is Tidal using HEOS app from Denon 1600h. How is the Mid Range and Mid Bass ?

Whats your opinion on the Vocal output and the Mid Range Bass output ?

Source is Tidal using HEOS app from Denon 1600h. How is the Mid Range and Mid Bass ?

Whats your opinion on the Vocal output and the Mid Range Bass output ?
The speaker Tonality is very good.It has good mid too..The Low-end bass extends very good...Based on Room you may need to position it good to avoid Boominess.
The treble is good and detailed ,but u may not get that airyness and sparkling highs .

DENON X1600 AVR will not do justice for this speaker. u may need to have good stereo amps to utlise it properly.
Contrary to the popular opinion - Good imaging. need to arrive at a compromise with soundstage width though.
Great midrange. Vocals sound awesome, esp female vocals.
Extremely high WAF. Gorgeous looks, very good build.
Slightly on the warmer side of neutral. depends on source and amp.
Good soundstage. speakers disappear in your room.

Need a good amp else those woofers and lower mid-range sound boomy.
Need space behind them. At least 18" from the rear wall. Clarity is compromised otherwise.
Need space on the sides. Soundstage width is compromised otherwise.
Good textured bass but bottoms at ~40Hz. However, what more could you ask from a bookshelf after all!

Not so good:
Low dynamics. Avg. performer with rock genre
Achilles Heel: Top end simmer/air/space is not present. Folks have taken care of the same with simple crossover upgrades but best to leave that conversation for another time, and that should not play into your buying criteria.
Thanks for the detailed feedback. So, this needs good space at the back and sides, to get good sound output. Space is an issue with me. I can at max ... provide 12 inch from back and 12 inch from side.
Thanks for the detailed feedback. So, this needs good space at the back and sides, to get good sound output. Space is an issue with me. I can at max ... provide 12 inch from back and 12 inch from side.
You know this, almost all speakers need space, esp the ones which are rear ported. I have a question for you - What factors led you to zero down on the Lintons...?
My room size is 10x18. I have kept 3.5 feet rear gap and half feet on the side. Its a living room. I get good imaging and stage. The meen distance between speakers is 8 feet and I sit 8 feat away from both the speakers.

You know this, almost all speakers need space, esp the ones which are rear ported. I have a question for you - What factors led you to zero down on the Lintons...?
You know this, almost all speakers need space, esp the ones which are rear ported. I have a question for you - What factors led you to zero down on the Lintons...?
mainly bcuz it has 3-way ... having separate drivers for Mid and specially a 8 inch driver for bass and online reviews on Vocal tonal quality. It seems to have a flat response for the entire frequency spectrum .... and did not want to stretch my budget beyond 1.5 lacs ....
mainly bcuz it has 3-way ... having separate drivers for Mid and specially a 8 inch driver for bass and online reviews on Vocal tonal quality. It seems to have a flat response for the entire frequency spectrum .... and did not want to stretch my budget beyond 1.5 lacs ....
You, Sir, are one informed buyer. You have your preferences sorted.

Pls do audition the Lintons. Make sure you audition with all genres of music that you listen to. As mentioned earlier, because of the lower dynamic range, certain genres may not sound their best.

With just 12" of space behind the speakers, you might suffer a slight boominess and definitely, the soundstage depth would suffer. If you plan to have a TV in between, the centre imaging might not be as sharp either. There must be other side effects that may not be audible unless you have trained ears, and also, I cannot list them because I don't know enough!

If you do not want to take these risks, pls insist on a home audition or explore front-ported or sealed speakers. A close cousin would be Evo 4.4. They are, however, floor standards, and are more 'audiophile' in characteristics, something you may not like if you loved Linton sound. The boominess would get tamed but earlier mentioned issues with soundstage, imaging etc. might persist.

Tangential options could be to explore those speakers which thrive closer to the wall or are meant for near field listening. The former is an expensive proposition and the latter might not be suited for general living room listening, so forget you ever read this last part!

All the best, and do let us all know what you finally buy and your observations of the same.
In my 24’x18’ living room, the speakers are a little over 2’ from the front wall and well away from the sides. The room is open to a dining area on one side, a balcony on another, and a staircase on a third. Despite the open spaces, the bass output is still quite prodigious.
If you’re planning close to wall placement, you may want to experiment with plugging the speaker ports.

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