Anyone here has a Popcorn Hour?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
Cooke Town Bangalore
Has anyone used a Popcorn hour, and any thoughts ? I'm toying with the idea of bringing one of them from the US instead of investing in an HTPC

GeorgeO, have you read the thread on the cmp player at AudioAsylum ?
Just my opinion, but My guess is you will end up with a far better player with that if you could get the Lynx soundcard from the US long with a simple PC with a quiet SMPS and a Good case...even if it is with the small form factor.
Other option could be the empirical Audio Offramp..although i always felt that was a bit overpriced .

I am yet to be convinced on the price/value for popcorn hour with the coax digital out...


I was considering an HTPC, but with 2 systems already in the house, I am not overly keen on the third one-there's only my wife and me around with both boys in the US. I use a SB3 with NAS and find it very user friendly, so something similar is attractive to me-frm factor, ease of use,etc..My eldest bro in the US has a Popcorn Hour, and strongly recommended it-he's a real hands on geek-BE Electronics (BITS PIlani),PhD CMU. He has guided me in a lot of decisions, including networking my house, etc, etc.

I will check on the audio Asylum thread though, used to frequent a lot more in the old days.


I use a SB3 with NAS and find it very user friendly, so something similar is attractive to me-frm factor, ease of use,etc..

george..thats is one of the best Combos. you could perhaps get the SB3 modded ?

1 Creating an Audiophile Music Server: Modifying the Squeezebox: Step 1: Power Supply: Cheap tweak
2 Border Company

i can understand about the number of Systems and its inversely proportional relationship with WAF ;)

i am currently trying out a setup with a dedicated PC, a firewire out into a M-Audio Firewire Solo SPDIF converter and then into my dac as well.
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George I dont see that a Popcorn Hour or any of the other systems can compete with a HTPC in sound quality vis a vis music. I guess if your primary application is going to be movies then any of these systems would be good to go.

I guess it also depends on what AVR you have that you are going to connect digitally with the Popcorn Hour or similar device.

But one thing I do agree that the plug and play friendliness of such devices are a few steps above the normal PC. Not that the PC cannot be brought up to that level - it is just a bit tough:)
Has anyone used a Popcorn hour, and any thoughts ? I'm toying with the idea of bringing one of them from the US instead of investing in an HTPC


i would say you can get the xstreamer for 10k here - alternately if you value support, get the popcorn hour from the US. For 250USD roughly its just about VFM and convenient. And though not quite a audiophile or videophile (:lol:) product, it is very very convenient - does what it is supposed to do.

This coming from someone who uses a PC as an HTPC for video and audio.
Has anyone used a Popcorn hour, and any thoughts ? I'm toying with the idea of bringing one of them from the US instead of investing in an HTPC


demo it thoroughly before you buy this. a local dealer tried to convince me into taking an A-110. When he showed me a demo of The Dark Knight mkv rip, motion blur was easily noticeable. I asked him to play the same scene through disc player and the picture was perfect.

My audio systems are dedicated 2 channel gear, using valve + solid state amps/preamps etc, dac, SB, NAS. The PH is not going to be used for audio at this time.

The video set up is dedicated to video, using an older Onkyo AV receiver and Panny projector. I am seriously thinking of bringing a Vizio 32 inch LCD Tv as well on this trip and for viewing video the Popcorn looked an easy option.

Having gone digital I find ti a bit hard to turn the clock back now.

I've used one a fair bit and it is easy to use and works pretty good too. I'm myself a PC guy so personally prefer that route. Otherwise too I find WDTV is pretty good and with its price tag is a much more attractive option than Popcorn Hour.
Pulled the trigger yesterday on the Popcorn Hour, plan to insert an 80 GB HDD into it once I bring it back. That should take care of some movies and shows. can also connect an external drive and watch stuff off that.

I use EHP 606 and i find the music quality is very good. PQ is good enough for me. If you can obtain a popcorn hour motherboard, you can build a audiophile source with a DAC board integrated in one box.

How about a Buffalo DAC + Popcorn hour + 1.5TB HDD + Blue Ray drive in one box !! :p
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