Anyone here using a Squeezebox?

Hello George,
I am a user of logitech squeezebox.Not sure if it is sb2 or sb3. Its the one available in India.
Great. I have been using the SB3 for the past 2 1/2 years and am extremely happy with it. The music is streamed from a NAS ( Network Attached Storage) device, which is on my network and it is connected wirelessly to the SB. I used to have a computer on all the time, but this is a much better way.

How long have you been using it and trust you are also a satisfied user?


The SB2 is the wired version, and the SB3 is both wired and wireless. Forgot to add-Cal is one of my favourite cities, and was there a couple of months ago.

I spent a couple of years studying at Jamshedpur in the 1970s,and have been there many times after that, when I met aks07.

Hi O:

Great you use SB3, i will get it soon one day, very nice piece of equipment. So, do you have an external DAC with SB3 or just using it without it. I have seen SB3 in full action with more expensive setup with all the external DAC, etc. I listen to more of internet radio, so what net radio u listen to with SB3 other than streaming from your PC ?

It's connected to a Peter Daniel (Audiosector) non-over sampling dac (the premium model). Mostly listen to stations playing jazz and pop 1970s and 80s.

Yes, it's a really nifty gizmo.

did you assemble peters kit or got it preassembled?
or did you buy the DAC from audiosector preassembled and with the Casing too?

The SB2 is the wired version, and the SB3 is both wired and wireless. Forgot to add-Cal is one of my favourite cities, and was there a couple of months ago.

I spent a couple of years studying at Jamshedpur in the 1970s,and have been there many times after that, when I met aks07.


Hello George,
i guess mine is then SB3. It is connected wirelessly to my home network.It accesses music from my desktop which remains switched on all the time.I am really happy with its performence.Glad to know you like calcutta. I am born and brought up here. I have a love hate relationship with this city. Love it when at home listening to good music and playing games and hate it when stuck at city traffic and cursing left govt for such poor management of a city.
Hi Mahi:

I guess your PC is on all the time coz you stream music from your PC to SB3, if that's the case, fine.

But, if you listen to internet radio mostly, you don't have to switch on your PC at all. Your SB3 can connect to the various internet radio stations only through the modem/router, and your PC can be off all the time, still SB3 can stream music from modem/router - if you knew it already pardon my ignorance.
anm: I dont remember the exact price-bought it at lest 2-3 years ago. You can search the thread here one of the posts has all the information you need:

diyAudio Forums - AudioSector-chip amp kits, dacs, chassis - Page 1

If you post on that thread, Peter will immediately give you the link to it-the thread is now quite long, but worth going through it. The rest of the stuff is not expensive-I had to get a toslink socket from Toshiba, got it from Digikey-but it's possible that Peter can supply it-he wasnt carrying it at the time. The tranny is from Miracle and it's very easy to get a simple box made for it.


Vinod is right-for streaming from the net, I assume you know that your system need not remain always on. I have a NAS device (Network attached storage ), which I use as a media server.It is a small box connected to my network and remains on all the time-it doesnt have a screen or a mouse/keyboard,and can be accessed through my system since it has it's own IP address on the network.

I love Bong food ( including sweets)- my wife and I had lunch at Oh Calcutta at Silver Springs enroute to catching a flight home in mid May-excellent food. Have also eaten a few times at Bhojohari Manna. I also love to and make it a point to play at RCGC with a friend whenever I pass through-I got a round at Tolly also this time.
Have been using the SB3 for the last 2+ years.
I have been raving about it ever since I bought it.
It has changed the way I listen to music.

I have since added a DUET to another room. The Duet has an amazing remote that also control the other versions of the SB. So I can be in the living room controlling audio anywhere in the house including volume control. It also allows you to sync all the players. That said I dont know if its available in India yet.

I have never had any problems with either unit.
I have my PC running 24/7 though.
I have ripped all my CDs to FLAC, which lets you listen to lossless music vs the MP3s. That said, it does support the MP3s.

I have added a Cambridge DACmagic recently that has taken care of the only weakness of the SB - the DAC.

All the best!
To listen to radio on receiver/ duet - do you need to keep the PC on?

For internet radio, you dont need the computer to be on. The computer needs to be on only if you are playing files from your music collection - MP3/FLAC etc.
It can be setup to work with music services like Rhapsody etc
I am listening to a lot more music since I got the SB3 a few months ago for a bargain.

I use it in my bedroom for casual listening. I love the sleep timer function - nothing like falling asleep listening to the radio.

I have it hooked up to my HTPC from my AV Room over Ethernet and the second wireless router for Internet Radio. The SB3 doubles up as a network bridge connecting the two wireless networks in my house!

The Squeezebox is connected straight to my DIY LM3875 Chipamp and a pair of Sonodyne speakers
Hi Everyone! I am a newbie to this group.

Question on the Squeebox - I have ordered SB Duet. It's on its way from US :-) How is the wireless connectivity with the router? One challenge I am having in my bungalow (ground + 1) that my laptop has "Low" wireless connection from the place where the amplifier is to the router situated on the first floor.

Just not sure how SB will perform if it also gets low connectivity to the wireless router.

Any thoughts/pointers?

Hello Puneaudiophile,
don't worry about the range. I played music in 2nd floor while the pc was located in the first floor. I played wav files which are pretty big. It performed flawlessly. But you need to have a good wirelss router. I use Linksys 54G and it serves my purpose pretty well.
Hello Puneaudiophile,
don't worry about the range. I played music in 2nd floor while the pc was located in the first floor. I played wav files which are pretty big. It performed flawlessly. But you need to have a good wirelss router. I use Linksys 54G and it serves my purpose pretty well.

I beg to differ here.
If your network is slow or the signal is poor, it will slow down your navigation and the response time of your duet. I would highly recommend getting a new router/ or a network switch. The new routers with the 'N' protocols run at blazing speeds.
1 caveat though - if you are only going to play mp3s (which are relatively small files), then this might be a non issue. OTOH if you are running lossess files like FLAC etc, you might run into trouble.

All the best.
The "n" protocols do, indeed, run at blazing speeds, but don't spend that extra money with a Duet in mind; it does not support 'n'.

Got mine in UK in June, reclaimed VAT at Heathrow (after fees and charges, you get a bit back).

Considerable geek appeal in the Duet Controller: it is a linux computer!
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