Art for Music ~ By Rohit


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Dear Friends,

Sharing some of my creations! These are a part of my hobby for the love of art and music :)

Thought you may like them as they are related to music! :)

Each of these creations have a special meaning for me and are inspired by the respective themes.

I will try to post one creation per post and put some description for each.

These are completely hand made and finished at home.

Hope you like them as much as I enjoy creating them! :)

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#1 mj

Michael Jackson - the one name the defined pop music in our house. His name, music and dance is for ever engraved in our memories and will continue to do so.

Starting of the series with a tribute to MJ.
"Got to be starting something....." ;)



We owned an album called "History" a 2 CD album which has one of the finest recordings we have owned. It is a 2 CD pack in golden finish CDs.

"Do you remember the Time...." :)

"Can you dig it...? hahaha hahahaaa ha ha ha ha ha......" :)

Long live MJ!
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#2 - jazz player - saxophone

Art: Jazz Saxophone Player

Whenever I think of finer music like Jazz the first image that comes to my mind is that of a saxophone player closing his eyes and passionately playing the sax.



Cheers to smooth music enjoying your favorite drink as the music plays along! :)
Great work. How did you do them?

I have those CDs which I got imported from Australia!!!

Great CDs and a sonic treat to say the least.


Thanks Vinod!
The art work is made using a manual hand scroll saw something like this.

Vinod I try various materials. I have used double layered aluminium sheet around 2mm thick with golden finish. Although it is difficult to cut but it is worth the effort. It looks very classy.
:) No secret really. It is a very raw kind of hobby basically we have some raw material and a handsaw and we start ;) It is this rawness that I enjoy which really tests us some times :) After long patient waiting, few cuts(on fingers that is!) and finishing, once I see the finish piece it is worth the satisfaction! :)

Actually the finish is metallic "gold" finish and very shiny. The camera has not captured the complete finish properly. Actually the finish is like actual shiny gold with metallic shine and reflections. It reflects lot of light.

It has mirror finish and we can see our reflection in these. I had to take shots from an angle to avoid mine and camera reflections. In first pick of MJ you can see some reflections in left side of base. Same is with complete piece.

We too had to get the CD in double rate. Got is for Rs. 2,500 back in those days.

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Very very nice Rohit. Congratulations on the wonderful art work.

Do share more.....and this time please do not mention the name of the artist/musician. Let us guess the name! Kind of makes things more interesting!

Very very nice Rohit. Congratulations on the wonderful art work.

Do share more.....and this time please do not mention the name of the artist/musician. Let us guess the name! Kind of makes things more interesting!


Hm will do :) Usually as making one takes up a part of day (i.e: usually on weekends) as it involves stages like sketching, cutting, finishing, etc. Usually choosing an inspiration of what to design takes the most time :D I will surely upload as and when they get ready over period of time :) I began with cardboard (thin mdf) but is it too fragile for detailing. As the saw needs to be held vertically in hand and there is vertical up<>down movement required to cut through the material, so fragile material just breaks or warps/bends! So went with aluminium which is very robust and can take cuts and details very minute and fine. The blade of the saw is also very very thin and sharp so we can make very fine details. Hence material needs to be as robust as possible. In fact it has turned to be so robust that even dropping these dont damage them so very durable indeed! :)
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Labour of love that is what it is!

+1 to that.

I had also thought that it was cut out of cardboard. But then, I wan't sure because now a days, a lot of things can be made in the digital world.

Glad to know that this was made in the traditional way - putting scissors (in this case a saw) to paper/cardboard. Nothing against a digital creation - but I think the older way still has better charm!

Rohit......please post more of your creations.

Excellent work. I love such original DIY....very few instances these days of doing something from scratch...Keep it up...:clapping::clapping:
Excellent work. I love such original DIY....very few instances these days of doing something from scratch...Keep it up...:clapping::clapping:

Thanks Gopib! Actually I have been doing such kind of DIY since childhood :) Also I never thought of posting it online since it is very personal to me. It was recently when I realized that:
"Art" is something that gets meaning only from an "audience" and sharing. The thought was powerful and made me post these.

Glad you friends are linking it. :) So, I feel happy for the art itself.

It has made me realize that how important hand made work is. I can relate to the many handicraft artists who are challenged with mass market assembly line items.

I personally always like hand made stuff which someone has made with passion. Also strangely enough with a detailed eye one can easily make out if it is hand made (elegant curves and not clinical) or machined (too perfect and clinical to look genuine :) )

So enjoy the thread just as I do :) And long live DIY and Art! :)
Thank You!
Art #3: Indian Classical Dancer

Theme: Dance is a form of expressing the language of music.
When I think of Indian Music the image of an classical dancer performing in the traditional style comes to my mind.

I wanted something very ethnic to be placed on my equipment. On my speakers in this case. I like the idea of such figures around the musical setup that creates an illusion of a performance! Almost as if they are performing to the music being played! :) (Taken from different angles this time so metallic finish is quite evident :))


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