AVR+5.1 Decisions, decisions!


Active Member
Feb 28, 2010
Hi guys, I need some input to sort of make up my mind. I have been a long time lurker here and on some other forums so I have a general idea of the "lay of the land"as far the basic concepts are concerned.

So here is the deal.
This setup has been in incubation for almost 5 years. I have finally come back home for the past 3 years. HT is at the absolute bottom of priorities as far as my better half is concerned, hence the delay while we squared off family stuff.
While we renovate some other stuff I have managed to squirrel away about 2 lakh which has been allotted for my use ;).

The rest of my stuff is in my signature.

The Hall is 25' x 15'. Thick curtains on the windows. Large stuffy sofa set. 2 large carpets, bookshelves. I think enough to absorb stray soundwaves. Since it is only a 55" TV It has been placed across the width, so that viewing distance is about 8-10'.

Use is going to be Movies 70% and Music about 30%. I would love to listen to more music but I am the only one in the family who listens to the stuff I do and I have 2 very curious kids who won't let Daddy alone!
So Movies through BD/DVD/HD TataSky, Gaming through PS3 and my music is Jazz, Rock and Fusion stuff. Mostly instrumental jazz and the old rock for nostalgia. (Pat Metheny, Greg Howe, Tribal Tech, Steely Dan etc.)

I have been in touch with a couple of sources and I have more or less decided on the Denon X2000 as my AVR. (The 2113 is also available for 3k less, they seem to be identical except for a few networking/zone 2 related stuff) So i decided to go for the newer one. No more upgrades for me, no sir!

The confusion arises for the speaker choices.

I know the common sense thing to do is to audition. The problem is the place I stay. Not much option for a test run. Plus my job. 9 hour days 6-7 days a week and not much time off. Yes I am in the medical profession :sad:

To give you an idea of the type of sound I like. I went for an audition to ProFx in Coimbatore 3 years ago. I definitely did not like the Polk TSi very muddled and no resolution and I loved the KEF I think it was iQ series.
My speakers must have clarity and a tight low end. I dont listen to much metal nowadays and I wont be cranking up the volume. Also many of the movies I like, have more dialogue as opposed to explosions :)

My options are these

1) Dali Zensor 5 + Zensor 1 + Zensor Vokal + Dali Sub 12E
2) Wharfedale Diamond 10.5 + DFS + 10CM + Sub ?) (No quote yet)
3) Polk RTi A5 + FXi A6/4 + CSi A6/4 + DSW Pro 660 (No quote yet)
4) KEF Q500 + Q800ds + Q200c + Q400b ( I loved the idea of this combo but its just too expensive thanks mainly to the dipoles which are twice the price of all other options in this list)

So these are my questions to the guys especially those FMs who have any of these speakers

Is there much of a difference in quality using normal bookshelves instead of dipoles as surrounds?

Is the Polk RTi that much better than the TSi as far as quality and clarity is concerned? Most of the US forums seem to love the RTi. The new TSx seems to be only a cosmetic change.

As the price is almost same is it ok to switch the sub? As in use the Polk DSW with the Dali or KEF combination. (The Dali sub is about 10k more but a 12" and the KEF sub is a 10" for the same price as the Polk which is a 12")

Sorry to have put you guys to sleep with this long ass post but I would appreciate any input especially from existing owners.

Well i am also looking for same thing.....
I have already taken demo of Zensor 5 5.1 Pkg here in Mumbai.I like very much.Price Is MRP 1,32,000/-(Rs. 1,15,000/ after discount) appx.

Also Try to add in your list & check Monitor Audio MR 4 pkg is also very good rated by Canada WHATHIFI...This is Disributed in INDIA by Audio People Chennai.
I am thinking for Denon x-1000 or x 2000.
I am in try to check Q 500 pkg but not finding here in mumbai..

I Have already started Threads for this 5.1 more similar setup... pl check my Thread under my name "rjg" there you will find useful information& expert advice from fm's input ...

Wish you good luck in sellection..
Hope this will help you little...

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!