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Feb 9, 2012
hmmmmmm...was the noise I was hearing from my naim 5.

Sorry guys, this is my third thread on my TT ever since I bought my LP 12. But I thought the stories are unique enough to have their own thread.

As I said earlier, I was waiting for this day (Actually today 30/June) when I had originally planned to demo the amp and buy a new 5i, but I went to the shop last thursday (As I can't wait ) and the sales person told me that there is an used naim 5 (Not 5i) which is about 8 years old but age is not a problem as these amps has much more lifetime and 5 has more XS like features and sounds better than 5i (I am sure he was only trying to help me out) and more importantly it could power naim stage line, it all sounded okay I bought it and when we set that up it sounded good too, but after a day I noticed that when the amp is on standby there is a buzz though the speakers, and when I change the source from aux to tuner I could still hear the vinyl is 3/4th of the volume. I did not think its good, so I called the shop guy again, he came and took everything back with him and we sticked to our original plan on auditioning today. Today I went and bought a Naim 5i and Rega Fono MC. I am very about about it.

During the demo we did play both the old naim 5 and the new 5i back to back. No doubt that the old naim 5 sounds significantly different to the 5i, it does hold you in the music, 5i is bit forward sounding in comparison , but I think for already soft sounding Vinyl a forward sounding amp is not a bad idea.

So at the end all is well, Rega Fono and Naim 5i combo rocks.

New picture :licklips:
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Hi Guy,

Here is the first impression of on my TT setup.

Firstly I like this Rega fono , naim 5i combination, it really does sound good.

Since last night I have played many kind of music, from English albums to jazz to Indian classical..everything sounds soulful.

LP 12 sounds much better than RP6 I had demoed and liked. This is something else, it just keeps the groove going and I start tapping my foot involuntarily.

I think the phono and amp will sound even better as the run-in. I will give more update then (Probably by then I will have the Rega RS5 speakers too ) :eek:hyeah:
Naim, Linn and Rega are all great music makers, all of them are known for their foot tapping musicality so no wonder you are having a good time. Enjoy !!!
Hi Guys,

Anyone could advise how long it would normally take naim 5i and rega fono to completely break-in and sound at their best ? In past one week I could feel the sound is improving everyday. Just keen to now when to expect the setup to sound at its best.

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