Best cdp at respective price category?


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Hello folks,
What do you guys think is the best cd player you have heard or possess/possessed in the respective price category.
Upto Rs.50000
50000 to 1 lac
1 to 1.5 lac
1.5 to 2 lac
2 to 3 lac.
Hello folks,
What do you guys think is the best cd player you have heard or possess/possessed in the respective price category.
Upto Rs.50000 ----------------Marantz Cd 8003 / 7003
50000 to 1 lac -----------------Marantz SA 15S1 / Cyrus CD 6se
1 to 1.5 lac------------------Primare CD 31 / Naim CD5i
1.5 to 2 lac---------------------Marantz SA 11S2
2 to 3 lac.----------------------Plinius CD 101


Out of these I have used and heard the Marantz CDPs , Cyrus and the Naim , The Plinius had a very short audition and the sound is good , but dont know if its VFM.
comparing CDP's on a standalone basis does not make that much sense... different CDP sound different with different equipment. Its all about synergy. For instance an Arcam could get a score of 50/100 with a particular set of amps and speakers but maybe get 80/100 with a different set of amps or speakers.A marantz CDP on the other hand might score higher marks with the former set of amps/speakers but might score lower with the latter set. So comparing electronics in a stand alone mode might not be totally fair IMO.
comparing CDP's on a standalone basis does not make that much sense... different CDP sound different with different equipment. Its all about synergy. For instance an Arcam could get a score of 50/100 with a particular set of amps and speakers but maybe get 80/100 with a different set of amps or speakers.A marantz CDP on the other hand might score higher marks with the former set of amps/speakers but might score lower with the latter set. So comparing electronics in a stand alone mode might not be totally fair IMO.
True but still a good cdp will synergise to a major extent with varied setups
Has anyone heard Camelot Technologies Morganna CDP? Not sure about the cost (I guess in the 2-3 lac area) but one of the best players I've heard.

Better than that is the Merlin (transport) + Uther (DAC) + Dragon (Jitter Reduction) combo...but I guess these would go through the roof in terms of pricing...

I was lucky enough to hear them when I was in US some years ago...
^ oh yes he does, i mailed him and he did send me the price of a completely built unit.

I am planning on buying one later this year, any one who is buying a CDP under a lakh should definitely have a look at this, if one has DIY skills then its even better since it costs considerably less that way.
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you know there wont be any resale on that kind of stuff na ?

ofcourse its a good buy if youre not thinking about that

i always think of reale when i go above 40-50k
^ oh yes he does, i mailed him and he did send me the price of a completely built unit.

I am planning on buying one later this year, any one who is buying a CDP under a lakh should definitely have a look at this, if one has DIY skills then its even better since it costs considerably less that way.

Any chance you personally heard this or know from first hand from people who have (I mean people you know well)? or are you going by the DIYA forum response?

^ oh yes he does, i mailed him and he did send me the price of a completely built unit.

I am planning on buying one later this year, any one who is buying a CDP under a lakh should definitely have a look at this, if one has DIY skills then its even better since it costs considerably less that way.

Could you please PM me the price?
you know there wont be any resale on that kind of stuff na ?

ofcourse its a good buy if youre not thinking about that

i always think of reale when i go above 40-50k

It is true this might not have resale value, so that is why i said this CDP has be considered but does not mean one has to buy this against his own principles.

If you feel that the CDP what you buy should sound good and also have good resale value then this might not be the one.

Any chance you personally heard this or know from first hand from people who have (I mean people you know well)? or are you going by the DIYA forum response?

I have not heard it personally yet and none of my friends here or in Singapore has it , so if i were to buy one then it will be based on the impression from the forum as well as from my personal discussion with peter Daniel.I might be willing to take that risk as i just want to listen and find out how it sounds compared to the other CD transport that ive heard, I am guessing for the money it wont be that bad, since peter himself told me that he has compared it with some big guns and it fared pretty well.

Hope that clears a vital question:)

you planning to build one?

Could you please PM me the price?

PM sent.
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^ oh yes he does, i mailed him and he did send me the price of a completely built unit.

I am planning on buying one later this year, any one who is buying a CDP under a lakh should definitely have a look at this, if one has DIY skills then its even better since it costs considerably less that way.

There is always a big risk involved with a blind purchase. You may or may not like the sound. Couple of days back i auditioned an amp costing 1.8 lacs in my set up. This amp has got great reviews in forums and press but in my system it was utter disappointment. It had bloated bass, muted highs, poor imaging and resolution. For me it was not worth at even half the price.
There is always a big risk involved with a blind purchase. You may or may not like the sound.

Yes absolutely, buying audio related products without listening is risky.

Edit: i took a similar kind of risk once with a sound card and it worked out really well but i guess i was lucky that time:)
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I am a newbie in this area so please allow me to indulge in some loud thinking.

My understanding is that the better the CD Player, the better will be the transport, and the lower the jitter etc. Essentially, the better CD players are mechanically superior to the inferior ones.

To circumvent this essentially mechanical difference, would not an electronic source be better? Since it would be free from any mechanical issues totally?

So to say, if one can get an uncompressed / full quality audio data file, and then relay it electronically over wires (rather than mechanically in a cd player) to the DAC, then the end result should actually be better, since it would be totally free of any jitter or transport related issue?

So are we looking forward to a future where CD players may actually become obsolete? Since electronic storage keeps getting bigger and cheaper, and internet access price keeps dropping and speed keeps increasing, will there be a day in the future that uncompressed / full quality digital audio files will become commonplace?

Would these full quality files require a new format or will the currently available formats be adequate to provide the kind of fidelity we are seeking?
Sumain - good post. IMO we are already there. A small illustration:
1. I have a Rega Apollo CD player - quite well regarded - cost $995
2. I have a Wadia 170i IPOD transport - Cost $375
I am currently using a Musical Fidelity xDAC v8 DAC- cost $1500
So I ripped a favorite Jazz CD of mine - Patricia Barber "Verse" in WAV format to my 160Gb IPOD classic - Cost of the IPOD when I bought it $350.

When I listen to the IPOD with the Wadia into the Musical Fidelity - total cost of source $2225 vs the Rega as a transport into the DAC - total cost of source - $2495 I can hardly tell the difference. I have tried this many times. If I listen very very critically the CD based system maybe sounds a little smoother but there seems to be more low frequency extension in the Ipod based source - but these differences are very little.
Of-course if one were to get a higher cost CD player, which I plan to do so down the road, maybe the difference will be more pronounced, but at the same time I also hear that Wadia is coming out with an improved idock soon. Regardless since I have a lot of CD's I will never get rid of my CD player but there is something nice about the convenience of accessing 100's of CD over a digital storage media.
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