Best cdp at respective price category?

I am a newbie in this area so please allow me to indulge in some loud thinking.

My understanding is that the better the CD Player, the better will be the transport, and the lower the jitter etc. Essentially, the better CD players are mechanically superior to the inferior ones.

To circumvent this essentially mechanical difference, would not an electronic source be better? Since it would be free from any mechanical issues totally?

So to say, if one can get an uncompressed / full quality audio data file, and then relay it electronically over wires (rather than mechanically in a cd player) to the DAC, then the end result should actually be better, since it would be totally free of any jitter or transport related issue?

So are we looking forward to a future where CD players may actually become obsolete? Since electronic storage keeps getting bigger and cheaper, and internet access price keeps dropping and speed keeps increasing, will there be a day in the future that uncompressed / full quality digital audio files will become commonplace?

Would these full quality files require a new format or will the currently available formats be adequate to provide the kind of fidelity we are seeking?

A very good post, and a very interesting thread.
I am a newbie in this area so please allow me to indulge in some loud thinking.

My understanding is that the better the CD Player, the better will be the transport, and the lower the jitter etc. Essentially, the better CD players are mechanically superior to the inferior ones.

To circumvent this essentially mechanical difference, would not an electronic source be better? Since it would be free from any mechanical issues totally?

So to say, if one can get an uncompressed / full quality audio data file, and then relay it electronically over wires (rather than mechanically in a cd player) to the DAC, then the end result should actually be better, since it would be totally free of any jitter or transport related issue?

So are we looking forward to a future where CD players may actually become obsolete? Since electronic storage keeps getting bigger and cheaper, and internet access price keeps dropping and speed keeps increasing, will there be a day in the future that uncompressed / full quality digital audio files will become commonplace?

Would these full quality files require a new format or will the currently available formats be adequate to provide the kind of fidelity we are seeking?

hi sumain -

you assume that humans know everything about everything!

on terra firma-

humans presume to define this subjective world with objective definitions- and most always - FAIL!

Hearing is a very delicate (and subjective) sensation - and can be coloured by inputs from other sense organs ( such as smell, touch and sight).

very slight nuances in -

the original recording technique

the reproduction

and replay (at our locations)

can have profound impact on our perception of the original.

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