Better amp for my vinyl set up?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2009
Hello fellow forumers!

I was thinking about my current vinyl set up, and overall while I am happy with it, I was wondering if I should think about upgrading my amplifier. I am very happy with the mid level set up I have, and don't feel the need to spend excessive amounts of money on improving what I already have. If I can get a good amp that would be better than the current one, for anywehre less than 10k, i'd be interested (new or used).

The amp I am currently using is a Sansui 3900Z (the one with the digital tuner). I picked it up for about 4k or so, and I believe the phono inputs don't work (i'm going through aux right now).

My current set up is as follows:

Rega P3-24 -> Denon DL-110 HOMC cart -> Sachu/Hypnotoad DIY MC phono stage -> Sansui 3900z -> Beovox S75 speakers

Is the amplifier the weakest link in the chain here? What would be a good suggestion to get the best out of the above set up, or should I just stick with what I have? I am pretty content, but if I can get a better sound without spending much more, i'll be happier i'm sure :clapping:

You might be on the right track. I thought my system was good but not perfect, and wasted a lot of time worrying about turntables and cartridges, even though I didn't find anything specifically offensive about what I was using. Then I changed amplifiers and it was a revelation. Everything sounds good now. I'm hearing details I've never heard and the soundstage, even for not so great recordings, has really snapped into life. The amp in question is a mid-1980s B&K amplifier of modest size but it had an incredible impact on my system's sound.
You might be on the right track. I thought my system was good but not perfect, and wasted a lot of time worrying about turntables and cartridges, even though I didn't find anything specifically offensive about what I was using. Then I changed amplifiers and it was a revelation. Everything sounds good now. I'm hearing details I've never heard and the soundstage, even for not so great recordings, has really snapped into life. The amp in question is a mid-1980s B&K amplifier of modest size but it had an incredible impact on my system's sound.

+1 to that, had the same experience. Started enjoying my vinyl after I moved from Japanese stuff to NAD
Cheers guys, i think that may be the solution as well.

Any recommendations for something I can get new or used under 10k that would be good?
Instead of a Sansui receiver try a Sansui 717 integrated amp. Its a very nice amp. A good, used one should easily come in your budget.
Check with Hemantwaghe, a fellow member on our forum. He normally has a lot of vintage stuff to sell. If not, he might be able to put you on to someone who has it.
Tek, the speakers you have can be slightly fatiguing in the highs since the Bevox speakers have a slightly prominent treble. If you can find a good pair of used Acoustic Research AR 3 or AR 4 speakers, get them. They will sing with a Sansui 717.
Good suggestion Prem! How much do you reckon a pair or AR speakers will set me back?
Yeah, i never thought about changing speakers before. These B&O ones are my dads, he bought them new in Sweden when they came out in about '79 or '80 and shipped them back here when he moved back. They sound good but are definitely aged. I always thought they were meant to be pretty high end, and i've wondered if there's stuff out there better than I can get for not much money. I had actually posted a thread about the beovox speakers a while back in the speakers forum but never got any response..
what about these newer ones on the market, wharfedale, etc? would something like that better the beovox's?
Have not heard the new, cheaper ones. But in your budget i would go with used ones. What music do you normally listen to?
i listen mostly to rock, along with some jazz and sometimes western and indian classical. But mostly rock (and some acoustic stuff)
The AR 3 or AR 4 would really work for you. Check if someone on the forum uses one.
I have a Pioneer A-8 amplifier 90watts/channel. I have gotten it serviced and have put in brand new Hitachi power transistors. It has a very nice phono stage- both MM/MC. It is for sale. D let me knw if you are interested.

Hi Tek

There is a NAD 304 integrated amp for sale on Quikr. Its a decent amp.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.