Better options on Group Buy


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
I love the group buy concept. It is the best way to make quality Hi Fi more accessible and makes it a lot easier to buy something you always wanted.

I am not against Wharfedale, I just feel there is better stuff you can buy for a little more money. You can enjoy your music a lot more with a better speaker, amplifier, etc. From the way I see things, Hi Fi purchase for the most of us, is a once in a lifetime investment. Why buy something your going to want to upgrade in a couple of years or less when you can buy better.

I have some suggestions to make group buys more attractive and I hope these products find their way into our Group Buy scheme.

Marantz NA7004 network audio player. A lot of us have moved to digital audio. The cheapest option to play high quality digital files is via a computer. Not the best. It can be provided you rig it with top notch parts. This can get very expensive. Why bother with all this when you can buy a good network audio player. It sits well with the rest of your components and does not cost a truck load of cash. I know the NA7004 does not. It can be made cheaper with a group buy.

Another excellent series that can be made affordable are the Marantz KI Pearl Lite series. They are already very accessible products. A Group Buy scheme can make it a sweeter deal.

Next in line is the Dyna Audio Excite 12. Expensive as it is in India. Can be made more accessible with a Group Buy scheme. It can trash several floor standers or should I say, pretty much every floor stander in the same price range. This is speaker that will change your views about the abilities of a book shelf. This is also a speaker you can live with for years.

So there you go. A couple of awesome Hi Fi options that can be made affordable. When you are making your first steps into quality Hi Fi, make it right. Don't buy a compromise.
It is not like HFV want to push only Wharf.. Only the dealers who wish to join their hands with HFV gives the impression like this.

As of now fast moving product is Wharf and also low cost, so dealer dealing with that product are ready to loose some more money in pushing their product in the name of Group buy.

Any other dealers willing to put their product(surely at an price) will not be stopped here and atlast it is an business for them and for HFV too:)
I think we should start a poll on what product everyone wants to buy. List CDP, DAC, Speakers, Amp, Receiver etc. Then based on the result, we could then get a price-range and go ahead. Better that way than a normal thread imo.
The group buy option is not only decided by the HFV team, but also the D & D of a particular product should agree. If the group buy price is less then the Dealer price, then the dealers may object and the distributors may loose business from dealers.
I dont think a Distributor will risk selling his product in group buys unless the quantity is huge.

It is not like HFV want to push only Wharf..

As of now fast moving product is Wharf and also low cost,

You are missing the point. I have not mentioned anywhere about Hi Fi Vision promoting Wharfedale. There are more options that can be superior. You (not you) just need to make it available on Group Buy.

Fast moving does not necessarily mean good. Once again, there are other options you can look at. Yes, they do cost more. In the long term, they turn out better.

If you take some time, do some research/auditioning & explore the market, you will agree with me that Wharfedale is not the end all in budget speakers. There are a good half a dozen speaker brands that will surprise you with their performance. Wharfedale made a very early entry into India, is popular & very accessible in terms of pricing. Few have explored anything beyond this speaker brand.
We are constantly exploring opportunities with many of the official Indian distributors to offer a GroupBUY. However not many are willing to cooperate.

If any of you find a distributor (in the brands you would like us to showcase) who would be willing to participate, please ask them to get in touch with us or PM me their contact details.
Our mega Wharfedale group buy has been made possible by Designer Audio. They deal with Quad too. It will be nice to have these speakers on group buy.
We are constantly exploring opportunities with many of the official Indian distributors to offer a GroupBUY. However not many are willing to cooperate.

If any of you find a distributor (in the brands you would like us to showcase) who would be willing to participate, please ask them to get in touch with us or PM me their contact details.

How about items that are not sold in India but are sold through direct like Oppo or Emotiva or B&K? Which when bought in bulk may get some advantages in terms of logistics and re-assurance.
How about items that are not sold in India but are sold through direct like Oppo or Emotiva or B&K? Which when bought in bulk may get some advantages in terms of logistics and re-assurance.

As of now, HFV does not have any commercial arm to import and sell. HFV works with dealers and distributors. The only way HFV can offer bulk discounts is when a dealer/distributor makes an offer.

Venkat, I am unaware of the business aspect of the audio/video industry so my question may sound naive. Please bear with me.

Since you and some other members here are dealers, is it not the easiest for you guys to approach the distributors for these deals?

Take for example the rDAC. It is a great value product which can be converted into a stunning deal if a Group Buy discount is made available. Also, with Decibel in Chennai and AP in Bangalore, you will get good coverage also.

I'm sure there are other such products which the distributors won't mind making available for GB discounts when they are approached by the dealers themselves. (Pro-ject TTs, BD players etc)

Of course, the flip-side is that I am expecting a dealer to stick his neck out for a GB discount effort which may not be successful. However, I think we (as a community) can give it a shot.

Please share your thoughts.
Venkat....a dealer :confused:

Venkat, I am unaware of the business aspect of the audio/video industry so my question may sound naive. Please bear with me.

Since you and some other members here are dealers, is it not the easiest for you guys to approach the distributors for these deals?

Take for example the rDAC. It is a great value product which can be converted into a stunning deal if a Group Buy discount is made available. Also, with Decibel in Chennai and AP in Bangalore, you will get good coverage also.

I'm sure there are other such products which the distributors won't mind making available for GB discounts when they are approached by the dealers themselves. (Pro-ject TTs, BD players etc)

Of course, the flip-side is that I am expecting a dealer to stick his neck out for a GB discount effort which may not be successful. However, I think we (as a community) can give it a shot.

Please share your thoughts.
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