body building..

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Hi vortex,

Sorry to disagree with you.Sports and exercise are two different fields. Exercise is not done for fun. Nobody lifts weights just for the sake of it. Some are into professional body building and some are in to weight lifting as a competitive sport. But most do weight training to keep fit and have a good body shape. Just google for the benefits of weight training. Most people confuse it with bulging muscles and out of the world biceps and chest.

But weight training keeps you from accumulating fat, keeps your sugar and BP levels under check.Makes your heart muscles stronger and the body muscles continue to burn your calories thro out the day even when you are not exercising. Osteoprosis will never set in your bones.

well i dont say every one should do weight training. Any exercise is good. But weight training has multiple benefits.


I understand, Sri. My brother too is into body building - big time. Just to see what was so nice about it, I too indulged in it for the best part of a year. Only to find out it was not my cup of tea. Yes, it helped me tone my body and biceps nice enough that people started noticing it. But personally it was nowhere near as much fun as games and sports could be.

I accept lifting weights is no fun:D Its sheer hard work.

Mr Srikarkav,
Any form of exercise is good. I meet people in the late 70s, people who have had bypasses being advised to undertake moderate, monitored activity. Light weights, some cardio etc etc.
My comment was more what i prefer.
I haven't been able to excercise regularly since 1996 because I only eat 15 meals a week .. most of them bad food outside :(

But on the plus side I look fit and nobody can tell I never exercise :)

hI manu,

I am glad to know you exercise daily. I got diabetes when i was 32. From that day i took to wight training. I got bored with gyms and got a small machine for myself at home. I am not into body building but lift weights to keep myself fit and to keep my sugar levels under check.My weight training has kept the dreaded diabetes at bay for 18 years now. Keep doing your routine and you will never have to see a doctor for any ailment.

Thats the greatest boon in life huh?



Well looking at your avatar, you don't seem to be :)
I feel horrible going to the gym and exercising you pay all the money and they make you lift the weights :mad:

and as you can see in the picture I am fit enuf
I'm still a fan!

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