Budget Speakers...


New Member
Oct 4, 2008
Hello guys. New here. Have started fulfilling my dream of owning a hifi after nearly 20 years (yeah, am probably too old to be lurking around these pages). Have taken the plunge and have bought a Cambridge A540 Amp. My current speakers are no good with this kind of output.
Now the big question, what speakers go well with these? Are the Cambridge S30 bookshelves any good. Have got a quote of 7.5k for these. Is the price ok?
Is this a good budget speaker or can u suggest something else. (Cannot spend too much on them). I prefer to listen to Rock at medium volume...
Also are you aware of speaker sellers in Mangalore...

Thanks in advance
Hi Deepak,

Welcome to Hifivision. I don't think there is such a thing as too old for anything. :)

Congratulations on a fine choice of amplifier. I think the best companion for it would be a Mordaunt Short Avant 902i. This should cost around 10,000 or so. Your Cambridge dealer is likely to stock it as it is a sister company. If not, contact the Indian distributors, FX Entertainment: Fx Entertainment

There are of course better choices depending on how much you wish to spend. I haven't heard the S30 so I can't comment on it.
Hello guys. New here. Have started fulfilling my dream of owning a hifi after nearly 20 years (yeah, am probably too old to be lurking around these pages). Have taken the plunge and have bought a Cambridge A540 Amp. My current speakers are no good with this kind of output.
Now the big question, what speakers go well with these? Are the Cambridge S30 bookshelves any good. Have got a quote of 7.5k for these. Is the price ok?
Is this a good budget speaker or can u suggest something else. (Cannot spend too much on them). I prefer to listen to Rock at medium volume...
Also are you aware of speaker sellers in Mangalore...

Thanks in advance

Don't worry we'll let you know if you are too old (just joking :p :p)
Again congrats on taking the plunge and good luck with your speaker setup.
Hey Deepak...

Welcome to the forum Buddy...!!!

Oops...Sorry for including buddy out there...
Do you want us to call you as uncle or something...
Because till date we use to think that there is nothing like age that gets its place into AV...
Its passion, what is required...

So dont feel yourself out of the case...

Okies.. now coming to your point...

Yes...Particleman, has suggested you pretty right speakers..

With Cambridge Audio, the Mordaunt Short - avaint 902i are pretty well suited...
They are priced at Rs.11,500 MRP...
but you can get it for .. Rs.10K to 10.5K...
and then spend a couple of thousand on cables...

that would be a nice system you will have...
Nikhil, Mridul & Particleman...
Thanks for your advice. I'll let you guys know how my system comes on...

thanks for making me feel at home...And oh, buddy is allright, uncle sounds so ancient :D.

(waybackthen a sonodyne was considered something to drool for (and what many of us dreamt abt owning). pity nobody talks about them nowadays...)

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.