Cambridge Audio 640c CDP at 69.95

They have more issues with returns and defective products than other online stores. This I found after extensive surfing about them.

Good for for those really on a budget and looking for bargain sales and residing locally. Some items may be refurbished.

Hi All,

Richer Sounds (UK) have a CA 640C CDP for 69.95. What do you guys think about this player? The deal sounds sweet given the price, but any idea about the sound it outputs ?

Here is the link: Richer Sounds - The UK's Hi-Fi, Home Cinema & Flat Panel TV Specialists!

My current setup is pair of Quad 11L driven by a Marantz PM 7001. The source is a Philips DVDP and Lenovo X60.



I got my 640c v2 from RS last year and still it's going great without any problem, but mine was around 150 GBP (V2).

The one you're mentioning is a version 1 cdp, and its a good one too, if you're on a tight budget. Yes, the 640 would really gel well with your PM7001, no problem.

Now, the 640 that's on sale at RS is a version 1 and its a clearance item, and its not refurbished, if it is, they will mention it clearly. I think you can't order them online, as they are for 'personal collection' only. So, if you're going to UK or in UK or you've somebody buying you from there, you can audition them properly and buy.

They have more issues with returns and defective products than other online stores. This I found after extensive surfing about them.

In this case it should be less of a worry as, from what I remember, RS and Cambridge Audio are part of the same business group
Actually gobble you will find more issues about Richer Sounds because they're bigger than pretty much everyone else in the UK. They're owned by Julian Richer who also owns cambridge audio, so it's the only place in the UK where you can buy Cambridge Audio products new.

70 GBP sounds like a good deal for this old player. That's about 5000 can't really go wrong with 5000 bucks for a CDP like that!
Thanks vinod_david !

I have a friend coming down from UK next month. I'll be asking him to get this one for me.



I got my 640c v2 from RS last year and still it's going great without any problem, but mine was around 150 GBP (V2).

The one you're mentioning is a version 1 cdp, and its a good one too, if you're on a tight budget. Yes, the 640 would really gel well with your PM7001, no problem.

Now, the 640 that's on sale at RS is a version 1 and its a clearance item, and its not refurbished, if it is, they will mention it clearly. I think you can't order them online, as they are for 'personal collection' only. So, if you're going to UK or in UK or you've somebody buying you from there, you can audition them properly and buy.

Actually gobble you will find more issues about Richer Sounds because they're bigger than pretty much everyone else in the UK. They're owned by Julian Richer who also owns cambridge audio, so it's the only place in the UK where you can buy Cambridge Audio products new.

70 GBP sounds like a good deal for this old player. That's about 5000 can't really go wrong with 5000 bucks for a CDP like that!

Yeah its a great price no doubt!! Absolutely tempting for a starter pack.

Hey psychotropic,
70 GBP sounds like a good deal for this old player. That's about 5000 can't really go wrong with 5000 bucks for a CDP like that!

That's what I think too!

Also guys, if you are aware of any bargain deals going on in the UK for a good DAC, please let me know! By budget is around 15K.

i don't know too much about this, but might not the CA + Marantz + Quad combination be a touch bright overall?

Hey psychotropic,

That's what I think too!

Also guys, if you are aware of any bargain deals going on in the UK for a good DAC, please let me know! By budget is around 15K.

folks, the CDP thing didn't work out :(. So I'm back to square one. Waiting for Ashish's report on the Caiman :).

I've been buying off Richer Sounds since my first hifi. It was a different kind of shop then, jam-packed with piles of boxes; last-year-models, bankrupt stock, etc, it was a treasure house of bargains, and, until recently, they maintained a policy of only hifi separates.

They must have returns, for one reason or another, because they offer them, refurbished if necessary, at further-reduced prices! My experience of the company makes me think that if there is a problem, they would sort it out without hesitation. Generally, being a retail customer in UK is a far better experience than being one in India, but I'd go with Richer rather than some other British chain stores, any day.

They even have a decent "extended warranty" (a scam in most shops) scheme, with a good buy-back system for upgrade day! What's more, they won't try to force it on you when you buy. Every sale comes with a card inviting your comments on the shop, the service, and the experience, even if it just a cable.

I'm beginning to sound like a shareholder, and I can only say, "I wish"! I am a satisfied customer.

Of course... none of this is any help at all when you are 5,000 miles away from the shop! Most recently, I bought my Logitech Duet Squeezebox from them, in June of this year. I'm glad to say that it did work, out of the box, when unpacked in Chennai :). Got the VAT refund too. Although the private company that does the refunds takes a hefty commission, it is still worth having.

Unless otherwise stated in the shop, or on the site, they sell brand-new, unopened, factory-packed stock. The only logical reason for them getting any higher returns than any other retailer is that that, as another poster said, they sell more! Actually, they do not necessarily have record sales in absolute volumes, but they sell more per square foot of shop space than any other British hifi retailer. Part of their business plan has been not to go for big, high-rent shops in fancy malls, but to set up in some small building a couple of streets away. It works for them! You'll find some of their shops, like London City, jam-packed in the lunch hours.
I've been buying off Richer Sounds since my first hifi. It was a different kind of shop then, jam-packed with piles of boxes; last-year-models, bankrupt stock, etc, it was a treasure house of bargains, and, until recently, they maintained a policy of only hifi separates.

They must have returns, for one reason or another, because they offer them, refurbished if necessary, at further-reduced prices! My experience of the company makes me think that if there is a problem, they would sort it out without hesitation. Generally, being a retail customer in UK is a far better experience than being one in India, but I'd go with Richer rather than some other British chain stores, any day.

They even have a decent "extended warranty" (a scam in most shops) scheme, with a good buy-back system for upgrade day! What's more, they won't try to force it on you when you buy. Every sale comes with a card inviting your comments on the shop, the service, and the experience, even if it just a cable.

I'm beginning to sound like a shareholder, and I can only say, "I wish"! I am a satisfied customer.

Of course... none of this is any help at all when you are 5,000 miles away from the shop! Most recently, I bought my Logitech Duet Squeezebox from them, in June of this year. I'm glad to say that it did work, out of the box, when unpacked in Chennai :). Got the VAT refund too. Although the private company that does the refunds takes a hefty commission, it is still worth having.

Unless otherwise stated in the shop, or on the site, they sell brand-new, unopened, factory-packed stock. The only logical reason for them getting any higher returns than any other retailer is that that, as another poster said, they sell more! Actually, they do not necessarily have record sales in absolute volumes, but they sell more per square foot of shop space than any other British hifi retailer. Part of their business plan has been not to go for big, high-rent shops in fancy malls, but to set up in some small building a couple of streets away. It works for them! You'll find some of their shops, like London City, jam-packed in the lunch hours.

This is what originally made me caution against buying from RS
A CD Player other than the Marantz CD 6002 -

Just found it again so posting it now .. :)

You comments? :)

I guess it is one of those YMMV things: my experience of them, over the years has been good.

The thread that you posted actually still leaves me with a good impression of them, because the problems were either sorted, or a refund was given.
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