Can I get a HDMI to DVI cable in India?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
Cooke Town Bangalore
Can anyone tell me if this is easily available and how much this might cost? Aplication is to connect a Popcorn Hour to my 22 inch monitor.


Can anyone tell me if this is easily available and how much this might cost? Aplication is to connect a Popcorn Hour to my 22 inch monitor.



Try in Reliance iStore. If you alrady have HDMI cable, you can get DVI to HDMI connector. I got one from there for around 2K which is bandrige.
Try in Reliance iStore. If you alrady have HDMI cable, you can get DVI to HDMI connector. I got one from there for around 2K which is bandrige.

i got one from SP road for 150 bucks, from zotac. pretty good build quality. it comes with quite a few motherboards and quite a few of the people getting their PCs assembled there dont need it. if you ask around there, you should find it quite easily and cheap too as its free for the guy selling it.

you can also find dvi-hdmi cables there, but I prefer the adaptor with the hdmi cable.
oh and make sure its dvi-d connector. there is dvi analog also for which the pin layout is different and it wont fit.
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