Hi-- have anybody ever used a car sub for home? (pioneer 350D to be more specific). As it is a dual voicecoil design is it possiable to drive it with a stereo amp? (Kenwood ka-2200 to be more specific. 150w per channel).
What I plan to do is split the LFE signal from a Yamaha RXV-450 by a Y-cable (1rca to 2rca) and amplify it with the kenwood ka-2200 and feed the woofer with the left and right channel output. I know this is not the way to drive a sub, but what are the chances
What I plan to do is split the LFE signal from a Yamaha RXV-450 by a Y-cable (1rca to 2rca) and amplify it with the kenwood ka-2200 and feed the woofer with the left and right channel output. I know this is not the way to drive a sub, but what are the chances