Re: CD6003 or DACMAGIC Upgrade!!! Which is better???

Go For DACmagic (just got mine today!) Reasons being 1. You have a PS3 from wherein probably you play songs. 2. Big budget CD players again have DAC's, so no point getting both 3. Upsampling is very good in Dacmagic 4. Any Cd's you have can be ripped to flac / wav and played if PS3 supports - else from a laptop or a media player
Re: CD6003 or DACMAGIC Upgrade!!! Which is better???

well....i have burnt my "ears" with the maverick audio DAC (and samsung DVDp combo) and have placed an order for the cd6003. then again, i do like CDs over mp3s and dont mind buying CDs. yes i do end up paying more that way in the long run and as a musician i do feel music should not be so expensive, but for now the quality of a few CDs kinda sweep the my entire mp3 collection. from your post i believe that you too are looking for CD playback and would recommend a better CD player over adding more components in your audio chain.

Ah! so do we have an opinion here? You listened to the Maverick and decided the CD6003 is better? Did you actually hear it or are you placing your bets on a blind gamble?

Just curious, besides it will help others know ...

Re: CD6003 or DACMAGIC Upgrade!!! Which is better???

Ah! so do we have an opinion here? You listened to the Maverick and decided the CD6003 is better? Did you actually hear it or are you placing your bets on a blind gamble?

Just curious, besides it will help others know ...


i own the maverick. it is only marginally better than my samsung DVDP:sad:
will be getting the cd6003 in a weeks time. have heard NADS and CAs and believe good CD players in general sound better. but before i bite my ears off saying so, lemme do a AB comparison of the maverick and marantz and then comment. but then again, i believe this one is going to be anybodys guess. if memory serves me right, those CD players were sounding way better.

maybe some other hi end DAC takes the cake away.
Re: CD6003 or DACMAGIC Upgrade!!! Which is better???

i own the maverick. it is only marginally better than my samsung DVDP:sad:
will be getting the cd6003 in a weeks time. have heard NADS and CAs and believe good CD players in general sound better. but before i bite my ears off saying so, lemme do a AB comparison of the maverick and marantz and then comment. but then again, i believe this one is going to be anybodys guess. if memory serves me right, those CD players were sounding way better.

maybe some other hi end DAC takes the cake away.

If you are using optical out that may be the culprit. Try a good co-axial and check then post impressions as this is critical opinion to have for other future buyers.

well now i have them running side by side..............marantz is going through a burn in period. comparisons will happen over the weekend. maybe i will start a different thread about it.

I am in search of something similar, Right now this is my setup

Cary CA Integrated amp + EPOS M16i + Chord cobra RCA + Chord Silverscreen(lended by dealer) -> I have Emotiva cables + Oppo 83

The marantz and Oppo seem to use similar DACs I dont see difference in sound quality. The major issues with Oppo is I am not able to browse across different folders especially on a thumb drive.

Using blue ray player without TV Screen is quite hard.

Somehow still not convinced on using DAC and PC or iPOD based systems mainly because mp3 are downloaded not of great quality and starting a windows system is pain in ****

Any good CDP which can playout flac and mp3 files out of USB driver is what looking for.

Re: CD6003 or DACMAGIC Upgrade!!! Which is better???

even Musical Fidelity V-DAC is better if going after DAC-
Stereophile: Musical Fidelity V-DAC D/A processor

while ill also recommend on the general opinion of a NAD for a single box cdp as the first choice. for the DAC you may be better of with the apparently much much better than the Dac magic (Allegedly ;) )
you can play CD quality music using comp and ipod and not just mp3s.


I am in search of something similar, Right now this is my setup

Cary CA Integrated amp + EPOS M16i + Chord cobra RCA + Chord Silverscreen(lended by dealer) -> I have Emotiva cables + Oppo 83

The marantz and Oppo seem to use similar DACs I dont see difference in sound quality. The major issues with Oppo is I am not able to browse across different folders especially on a thumb drive.

Using blue ray player without TV Screen is quite hard.

Somehow still not convinced on using DAC and PC or iPOD based systems mainly because mp3 are downloaded not of great quality and starting a windows system is pain in ****

Any good CDP which can playout flac and mp3 files out of USB driver is what looking for.

It all depends if you have a large collection of good quality CDs otherwise a good DVDP like the CA DV99 coupled with Dacmagic would be the best pick of the bunch as you will having flexibility with regard to future upgrades.

CA DV99 is phased out, so you cant get a new one.
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