Cloth Dryer


Active Member
May 1, 2011
Hi Everybody,

I am facing problem in drying my cloths, due to lack of sunlight at my utility space.

Suggest me a Good Dryer, till now not thought of budget.
Currently, I am using IFB front load fully automatic washing machine.

Questions in my mind -
1. Is the dryer effective for everyday use?
2. Which is the Best Brand?
3. Which is the Best Model?
4. How about WashingMaching/Dryer combo (saw one in LG) ?
5. Can we keep the dryer on the washing machine?

Please advice.
We've been using ifb drying machine since 2003 everyday. Havnt hung clothes to dry since :)

Some clothes shrink but it takes many dries and many years to notice the shrink by which time you probably wont even wear the thing.

If their quality is still the same you can get it with eyes closed. They stack on top of IFB washing machine. We've had it stacked since 2003.

Don't know about lg and what not. My family has been using ifb products since early 1990's.
When I was a kid, the washing front loading machine would be put on though the night and I used to be scared to go near it thinking there was a monster in it when it went into high speed spin wash.:p
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The best one out there is Siemens. I bought a haier because it was the only thing available when I was looking for one but I've had innumerable problems with it. Please stay away from haier. In the past 7 years, it has had its power supply, drum belt, ceramic heater changed. Plus now the door's clip has broken off and since they have no spares, I'm having to duct tape it every time I have to use it.

Planning to dump this soon and get a siemens. Please stay away from all this korean/chinese junk.

Do not buy a washer dryer as these can dry only half of their wash load at a time.

Keeping a dryer on a washing machine is not recommened since you need to vent out the hot air coming out of the dryer somewhere.
The air on the IFB travels vertically up, we have about 10 inches gap behind the drier.

They've been like that since 2003 *shrug*

Both working flawless :)
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