Coming soon 500GB DVD storage

Well it will hopefully be affordable for SME business for data archival at the least :)

ah but what use is such capacity without speed?

"This brings about at least one major problem that the technology has to contend with, that is, recording speed. Current prototypes record about as fast as a glyph-carver in ancient Egypt, the researchers have implied."
ah but what use is such capacity without speed?

"This brings about at least one major problem that the technology has to contend with, that is, recording speed. Current prototypes record about as fast as a glyph-carver in ancient Egypt, the researchers have implied."

by the time its ready to market they would have fixed that I suppose.

Actually if you search for it then you will find many types of new data storage medium being researched in different universities/companies but few find its place in the market. The same may happen with the 500GB DVD. Only time will say which format will be a commercial success like our standard CD.

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