Connecting dvd transport to DAC

The DVD player is connected via power strip which has inbuilt protection. If i connect it directly to the mains the problem goes way.
Same thing happens when I connect my camcorder AC adapter via a power strip.

I suspect the problem is power strips and more so the inbuilt protection in them. I have tried with 3 different makes of power strips and it exists with all of them.

Since it does not occur when connected directly, the issue seems to be with the power strip. Are the power strips earthed properly? Do they have a three pin plug, but more important are the earthing cable used properly at both ends. You should call an electrician to check this and confirm that the strip is earthed properly, and then test your DVD Player again.

To test, please use a tester, and not your body.

Since it does not occur when connected directly, the issue seems to be with the power strip. Are the power strips earthed properly? Do they have a three pin plug, but more important are the earthing cable used properly at both ends. You should call an electrician to check this and confirm that the strip is earthed properly, and then test your DVD Player again.

To test, please use a tester, and not your body.


Hi Venkat,

The powerstrips do have 3 pin plugs. One of them is definitely of good quality (similar to oxygen u mentioned). I will have to check the earthing in the mains part - didnt think that can be a issue as there wasn't any current leakage in DVD player when connected to the mains.

Of course I use a tester to test. Body is used accidentally while changing media :).
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