Crossover DIY


New Member
Apr 20, 2013
I have just bought a pair of Tannoy Mercury V1. I want to try to modify the filter by replacing the components with better ones. The crossover is a 4th order Linkwitz Riley and the crossover frequency is 3,2Khz. I have bought all my parts for reconstructing the filter. What I need help for is to draw up a "wiring diagram" so that I can sold the filter together. When I look at the actual filter, it is nothing there I understand or can reconstruct. Can somebody help me? I can specify the values that I have gathered so that someone maybe can draw the diagram? Or I maybe can take pictures of the filter?
I have just bought a pair of Tannoy Mercury V1. I want to try to modify the filter by replacing the components with better ones.

If you think the passive Xover[though passive XO is flawed concept] components in your speakers are of inferior grade then why did you brought them at first place?
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