Demo Speakers


Staff member
Dec 8, 2007
I've been wondering what are the pros and cons of buying demo speakers? The price of course seems to be one big reason but what is the opinion and experience of others on here?

1. The speakers could be on the dealer's floor for some time
2. Potential damages that may not be seen etc

1. Speakers have been run in and should really speaking sound better than brand new
2. Immediate availability

Look forward to know what is generally a fair mark down on the price over say buying a "brand new" set.

i faced a similar dilemma when i was auditioning Dali.. the Dali 5 on demo were ..crystal ball to gaze into (i gaze by ears, when i talk sound :D)

One of the two L/R pieces had a prominent dent on the corner, but tell you what i was still ready to pick that up, until the gentleman shook me up ..asking me that i better run hours on my new set only.

Even i would be wanting to hear some technical inputs on this subject, from senior members.

Guys, thanks for staring this thread.

I wanted to ask abt this issue. if we buy a new system we geta bill but how can we ensure we get an ariginal piece(electronics of speakers) and not a dmo piece.

Is it just the trust we put on the dealers, thats it?

What if they just put some shine(guessing), make it nto look new, a sorry person like can be easily fooled. I fear this lot though warranty is there.

how do we come to tackle this?

cannot ask dealers outright; my follish questions shows I am novice in this area.....

Please guide.
Guys, thanks for staring this thread.

I wanted to ask abt this issue. if we buy a new system we geta bill but how can we ensure we get an ariginal piece(electronics of speakers) and not a dmo piece.

Is it just the trust we put on the dealers, thats it?

What if they just put some shine(guessing), make it nto look new, a sorry person like can be easily fooled. I fear this lot though warranty is there.

how do we come to tackle this?

cannot ask dealers outright; my follish questions shows I am novice in this area.....

Please guide.

Hi Anuj, very rare & seasoned dealers shall advise if the unit is a demo piece or not.

You should be able to see the finer details of the piece .. like dust settlement on the terminals behind ..and this may sound funny but there is a different fragrance (literally speaking) to brand new products if you know what i mean and lastly you may not want to trust the dealers blindly so ..good to be a member of a forum with friends around to guide you to time tested and trusted dealers.

my wishes
anooj, my question is slightly different to the one you are asking but I guess its possible to have the situation you asked off to come up.

Generally all dealers who have a demo room are willing to offer deals for their demo speakers or equipment. These are usually backed up by warranty and you do not need to have a concern in these cases. Its just a matter of not getting shiny brand new product.

i faced a similar dilemma when i was auditioning Dali.. the Dali 5 on demo were ..crystal ball to gaze into (i gaze by ears, when i talk sound :D)

Sid this happens a lot when you look at demo kit. Speakers - especially brand new speakers - take a while to break in as drivers tend to be stiff when new. In that sense demo speakers really do sound better than if you were to listen to a new set.
Sid this happens a lot when you look at demo kit. Speakers - especially brand new speakers - take a while to break in as drivers tend to be stiff when new. In that sense demo speakers really do sound better than if you were to listen to a new set.

Bajaa farmaaya Nikhil bhai. I have faced my share of it :)
Reviving a very old thread, but my queries are similar in nature and I am currently facing a dilemma as I have fallen for speakers that are no longer in production, How much should i depreciate them per year if I were to buy the demo pieces?, I have asked the dealer to show me the invoice for that set of speakers.
Also , should I buy demo speakers? What if they are 2-3 years old or more ?
^ I remember when I was selling my Macbook Pro, I found an online converter for Apple Products Depreciation website, here is another example. Generally the depreciation 10-20% per year. Say 15% per year.
Example : If the item cost is 25000/-

After Year 1 - 21250.00
After Year 2 - 18062.50
After Year 3 - 15353.12
After Year 4 - 13050.15
After Year 5 - 11092.63

But in many cases it is reversed. Many things which are not in production and valuable, people ask more money than the actual price of item. It is very common in our AV world. Either it is Vintage Amps, DACs, Speakers, Turntables, CDs or Vinyls.

There is no harm if you buy demo speakers, if they are well cared/maintained, never repaired, never abused (playing too loud, which is common in demo speakers, Many people test speaker by doing this, Strange but true) :D
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