DIY B&W Nautilus

Rallynut and iaudio,

Thanks for the kind words. It is indeed quite an indefinable feeling to understand another culture altogether, makes you forget borders and man-made divisions like country etc when the reality is we all belong to one world.


Was pondering getting Don Quixote in Spanish to get a feel of the original, will prob get it once I'm a bit more fluent. Not much of a poetry guy, a colleague in office has Neruda on his desk!

If you want to be able to understand Espaol I could point to you a few websites and help you further through mail if you want :) Should be doable with a bit of effort. I've put in a minimum of 4 hours a day during my courses to get to where I am :)


I'll post the rest of the pages up tonight. Was busy in some stuff, have finally finished them! A darn good work-out it was considering the technical nature of the descriptions.
One good thing about learning Espanol is that pronunciation is consistent. AFAIK, 'c' is always pronounced as in Cant,can, carton etc.

And stevieboy, I really get what you are trying to say!
Page 3

Pegado del aro donde va ubicado el altavoz de graves.
The circle (of wood) is pasted where the bass speaker (opening) is located.

Tena curiosidad por meter la cabeza dentro de la caracola, para escuchar que tal resonaba, y clarolo hice.
I was curious and felt like putting my head inside the conch in order to hear the resonance and well I did it.

Aqu ya podemos ver como el proyecto va cogiendo forma.
Here we can already see how the project is taking form.

Antes del pegado de las dos mitades, pul minuciosamente con una pulidora de aire su interior, para su posterior pintado con resinas y lograr que quedara lo ms fino posible una vez acabadas.
Before the two halves were stuck, I finely polished the interior with an air polisher, cos the behind is painted with resins and to achieve what will remain as the finest possible (finish) once finished.

Aqu podemos observar las maderas que formarn parte de las cavidades de medios y agudos, antes de ser torneadas.
Here we can see the wood pieces which will form part of the cavities of the midrange and treble, before being turned on the lathe.

Torneando el exterior de la cavidad de graves, proceso en el cul se conseguir una forma cilndrica, para luego ir dando la forma deseada
Turning the exterior of the bass cavity, a process in which one will get a cylindrical form, giving the desired form later.

Page 4

Se ha empezado a rellenar las costillas que forman la caracola con pasta de fibra de poliester, y a su pulido basto.
One has started to fill the ribs which form the conch with polyester fibre paste and its rough polishing.

En los laterales se pueden observar las costillas de madera.
In the sides one can see the wooden ribs.

Aqu poniendo pasta de fibra de poliester en el interior de la caracola, esto es una de las operaciones ms difciles.
Here, Im putting polyester fibre paste in the inside of the conch, this is one of the most difficult operations.

Aqu compruebo que el altavoz se ubique bien en su aro, para controlar correctamente las holguras y dilataciones. La pasta de color azul es la pasta del acabado. Se trata de las primeras pruebas del acabado final.
Here, I check to see if the speaker (driver) fits well in its round, to control correctly the play between the pieces and expansion. The blue coloured paste is the same as the finished paste. You are treated to the first test of the final finish.

Las dos cavidades de medios ya torneadas, pero todava macizas por dentro.
The two midrange cavities already turned (on the lathe), but still solid inside.

Esto es una prueba de cmo sera el ensamblaje final, para ver como iva quedando el proyecto. Ya se empieza a intuir el acabado final.
This is a test of how the final assembly will be, to see how the project will finish up. One can already start to sense the final finish.

Page 5

Torneado interior de la cavidad de los medios.
Turning the inside of the midrange cavity.

Comprobacin de las medidas con el altavoz ya insertado en su lugar
Checking the measurements with the speaker already inserted in its place.

Cavidad de los medios una vez torneada y pulida. Me cost alrededor de las 30 horas de trabajo, realizar las dos cavidades
The midrange cavity once turned and polished. It took me around 30 hours of work to do the two cavities.

Torneando la cavidad de los agudos. Estas ya fueron mas rpidas, alrderor de las dos horas
Turning the treble cavity. These went quite quickly, around two hours.

Esto son los soportes de la espada, que van en el interior de la cavidad de los medios. Van , los rosque a 1 pulgadas
These are the supports of the sword (round tapered metal tube) which go in the inside of the midrange cavities. The threads go about 1 1/4 inch.

En la imagen se ven las dos espadas, realizadas con chapa de 2mm de acero inoxidable, cortadas y dobladas para darles esta forma cnica. Antes y despus del pulido
In the image one sees the two swords, made with a sheet of 2mm stainless steel, cut and turned to give them this conical shape. Before and after the polishing.

Las 3 piezas de las que consta la espada, de izquierda a derecha:
1. Parte interior que va unida a la cavidad de los medios, que esta roscado en el interior
2. Parte de rosca macho que va roscado en la pieza n1, y soldada en la espada.
The 3 pieces which make up the sword, from left to right:
The interior part which is joined in the midrange cavity. which is threaded on the inside.
2. Threaded male piece which is threaded in piece No 1, soldered on the sword.
3. The sword.

Aqu podemos observar la pieza n2 con ranuras para una mejor fijacin con resinas dentro de la cavidad
Here we can see piece No 2 with grooves (cut-outs) for a better fix with resins inside the cavity.

La pieza fijada con resinas.
The piece fixed with resin.

Page 6

Las cuatro cavidades, dos de ellas con la espada ya colocada en su lugar.
The four cavities, two of them with the sword already put in its place.

Caracola ya terminada y rellena de pasta de poliester.
The conch finished and filled with polyester paste.

Colocacin de la pasta de acabado.
Putting the finishing paste.

Se le ha dado una capa de imprimacin para la localizacin de posibles poros en la superfcie.
It has been given a primer coat for finding out the location of possible pores on the surface.

Page 7

Aqui relleno la parte interior de la cavidad de los medios de fibra de poliester, para evitar que la madera dilate en un futuro.
Here I fill the inside part of the midrange cavity with polyester fiber, to avoid the wood expanding in future.

Detalle interno de las dos cavidades.
Inside details of the two cavities.

Mi padre me ayud en el pegado y ensamblaje de las tres cavidades. Sin l esta tarea hubiese sido imposible.
My father helped me in the sticking and assembly of the three cavities. Without him this work would have been impossible.

La parte por donde se unen las tres cavidades del altavoz se ha pulido, para que parezca que una cavidad entra dentro de la otra cuando est acabada. Se pueden apreciar las costillas y la espina dorsal de la caracola.
The part where the three speaker (driver) cavities join have been polished, so that it appears that one cavity enters inside another when it is finished. One can notice the ribs and the spine of the conch.

Se ha fijado todo con tornillos*pasantes mtrico 8 y con cola nutica de 3 componentes, ya que es una de las ms fuertes que existen.
It was all fixed with metric size 8 bolts and the 3 pieces with nautical glue because it is one of the strongest things that exists.

Page 8

Las dos caracolas listas para ser pintadas con imprimacin.
The two conches ready to be painted with primer.

Las partes blancas son una imprimacin especial para madera, las de azul son pastas para rellenar los posibles defectos existentes.
The white parts are a special primer for wood, the blue parts are paste for filling in possible defects.

Un amigo se encarg de la delicada tarea de pintura y acabado. Es todo un profesional en la materia.
A friend was entrusted the delicate job of painting and finishing. He is a complete professional in the medium.

Aqu empiezo a definir como debia ser el soporte de la caracola. Se hicieron diferentes pruebas con los moldes de DM para ver como quedaba, dejando la caracola en el suelo tumbada, y se tiraron la fotografias con diferentes medidas para los soportes hasta dar con la ms adecuada.
Here I start to determine how the support of the conch should be. Different tests were made with molds of DM (a material?) to see how it would stay, leaving the conch on the floor on its side, taking photographs with different measures for the supports to see the one that fits the best.

Son los soportes que hay dentro el pi. Uno sujeta la caracola, y el otro es la caja donde iran los conectores de los altavoces.
These are the supports which are inside the foot. One holds the conch, and the other is the box where the speaker connectors will go.

Colocacin de la caja donde iran los conectores en el molde para el encofrado del pi.
Placing of the box where the connectors will come inside the mould for putting the feet on planks.

Page 9

Molde para ser rellenado de hormign.
Mould to be filled with concrete.

Se coloca la caracola en el interior, asi se asegura una ubicacion perfecta de la misma.
The conch is placed inside the box, in this way ensuring the perfect location for it.

Detalle del tubo (en negro ) que va de la caja de conexiones a la caracola.
Details of the tube (en black) which goes from the connections box to the conch.

Son bolitas de plomo de 0.3mm, que seran mezcladas con el hormign que se utilizar para rellenar el moltde.
These are small 0.3mm lead balls, which will be mixed with the concrete which will be utilized to fill the mould.*

Mezcla del hormign con las bolitas de plomo.
A mix of the concrete with the small lead balls.

Aqu vibrando el hormign, para evitar que no queden bolsas de aire en el pi del altavoz
Here I'm shaking the concrete to ensure that no pockets of air remain in the speaker's foot.

Quitando el hormign que sobra del molde.
Removing the excess concrete from the mould.

Secado del molde. El pi solo, sin la caracola instalada, pesa unos 75 kg.
Drying the mould. The foot alone, with the conch installed, weighs about 75kg.

Se ha desencofrado el molde, y se han comprobado las medidas de todas la ubicaciones de los altavoces, para prepararlos para la fase de pintura final.
The mold has been placed on planks, and the measurements of all the speaker locations have been checked, to prepare them for the final painting phase.

Page 10

Los pis de hormign por serparado, con su pintura especial de adherencia, necesaria para pintar encima del hormign, y las pastas de color azul para tapar posibles defectos.
The separate concrete feet, with their special adhesive paint, necessary to paint on concrete, and the blue paste for covering possible defects.

Aqu se observa la parte inferior del pi ya con una capa de imprimacin.
Here we can see the bottom of the foot with one coat of primer already on.

Pintado de los pis. Se puede observar el detalle del agujero que va de la caja de conexiones al altavoz, en la parte trasera del pi.
Painting of the feet. One can see the detail of the hole which goes from the connection box of the speaker in the rear part of the foot.

Pintado de la caracola. Esta es una capa muy ligera, para darle un poco de color, ya que van cinco capas de pintura sin contar con las dos de imprimacion.
Painting of the conch. This is a light coat, to give it a bit of colour, since 5 coats of paint come, not counting the two primer coats.

El orden de pintado es el siguiente:
1. Imprimacin gris
2. Imprimacin gris ( acabado fino )
3. Rojo para darle color
4. Rojo, primera capa ( para darle un poco de grosor )
5. Rojo segunda capa.
The order of painting is as follows:
1. Gray primer
2. Fine finish grey primer
3. Red to give it colour
4. Red, first coat (to give it a bit of thickness)
5. Second red coat.

6. Aqu damos una capa de perlado, as cuando le refleje la luz se distinguirn destellos brillantes.
7.Barnizado final, que le dar un brillo espectacular a la caja y el toque final del acabado.
6. Here we give it a pearly coat, so when it reflects light, brilliant details will be seen.
7. Final varnish, which will give the box a spectacular coat and final finishing touch.

Centro de la caracola. Refleja la luz con mucha intensidad.
The center of the conch. It reflects light intensely.

Y tambin se refleja todo lo que hay en el entorno en la caracola.
It also reflects all that is in the conch's surroundings.

El brillo es realstico. Se me v a mi haciendo una fotografa a las caracolas.
The shine is realistic. One can see me taking a photograph of the conches.

Page 11

Colocacin en la parte posterior de los soportes o pis,**de unos cilindros de**8 x 2 cms de acero inoxidable.
A couple of 8 x 2 cms* stainless steel *cylinders placed in the rear part of the feet supports.

Cableado de la caracola. Lo hice encima de mi cama para ms comodidad. Si no lo hubiese acabado ese dia, hubiera tenido que dormir en el sof.
Cabling of the conch. I did it on top of my bed so its more comfortable. If I had not finished that day, I would have had to sleep on the sofa.

Parte inferior de las caracolas, donde pasan los cables. Le puse una pasta adhesiva para asegurar una estanqueidad total
The bottom part of the conches where the cables pass through. I put an adhesive paste for them to ensure a total seal.

Detalle de la pasta de fijacin en los orificios por donde pasan los cables que van a los medios y a los agudos.
Detail of the fixing paste in the opening from where the cables pass, which go to the midrange and treble.

La tapa de conexiones, (con los conectores PHY), tambien de acero inoxidable.
The connections lid (plate), with PHY connectors), also of stainless steel.

De momento se han montado cuatro ruedas en la base de los pis, para poderlas mover, ya que pesan 150kg y asi puedo hacer pruebas de posicionamiento de las mismas. Cuando tenga dedicido dnde las voy a colocar finalmente, les quitar las ruedas.
Right now four wheels are mounted in the base of the feet, to enable them to move, since they weigh 150kg and this way I can test the positioning of the speakers. When I have decided where I am going to place them finally, I will remove the wheels.

Probando la ubicacin ms apropiada de las cajas.
Trying out an appropriate location for the speakers.

Ya sin ruedas.
And without wheels.

The End!
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Hey Stevieboy

Quite an effort that was. I find this project is interesting; I'm making a word file of the same using your translated content.


I love the poetry of Pablo Neruda and Federico Garcia Lorca.And the fiction of Jorge Luis Borges and Miguel de Cervante.And the cinema of Luis Bunuel and Carlo Saura.And the paintings of Francisco Goya,Diego Velazquez and Pablo Picasso.I wish I had your knowledge of Espanol....

Hi Ajay,

Was at Blossoms a second hand bookstore in Bangalore yesterday to pick up some books and thanks to your post one name caught my eye. Picked it up to see and found it had Spanish and English side by side! Quite rare in a book which is normally only in one language. Thanks!!!


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Hi Ajay,

Was at Blossoms a second hand bookstore in Bangalore yesterday to pick up some books and thanks to your post one name caught my eye. Picked it up to see and found it had Spanish and English side by side! Quite rare in a book which is normally only in one language. Thanks!!!


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Try to locate a copy of Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges.The stories in this slim work of fiction may be 3-10 pages long,but each story carries a bigger punch than most 500 page tomes.It takes very little to change a man's life.Mine changed,after I read a four page story called "The Circular Ruins" in this book.
Probably the most famous opening line from 20th century Spanish Literature:
Nadie lo vio desembarcar en la unnime noche, nadie vio la canoa de bamb sumindose en el fango sagrado.
No one saw him disembark in the unanimous night,no one saw the bamboo canoe sink into the sacred mud.
OT: Steven, I frequent Blossoms as well for pre-owned books on automobiles. Vast collection of all genres of books, reasonable prices.
Try to locate a copy of Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges.[/I]

Thanks Ajay!

Will look for it next time I visit Blossoms. The current one is a really good find guaranteed to keep me occupied for many many months :licklips:

Did you translate that sentence online or does the book include English alongside?


Yup Santhosh very good stuff indeed! Far more satisfying browsing through than Crossword/Landmark which I find very antiseptically clean hehe. Blossoms smells of books :D By the way a tip for you, they have LPs stocked right as you enter, on the right hand side bottom shelf ;) Higher priced at bout 250 bucks or so each but you might find a gem or two now and then.
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Thanks Ajay!

Will look for it next time I visit Blossoms. The current one is a really good find guaranteed to keep me occupied for many many months :licklips:

Did you translate that sentence online or does the book include English alongside?


The spanish version was copy pasted from the net.The english version is engraved on my brain.All the 'complete collected' works of poetry I have,Neruda,Borges,Pessoa,Rilke,Rimbaud,Baudelaire,Paz have both english/original language options.Quite common in poetry.Not so much in fiction.My copy of Ficciones is english only.Reading Neruda's poetry in the orignal would truly be a great way to 'travel around the world,business class':)
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