Do you believe in Amp break-in?


Dec 16, 2009
In fact this Q is applicable for speakers as well right!

So if you believe in it, how do we know that we have already reached the state of break-in.

i'm more curious, becuase i do not want to keep playing my Norge + wharf 9.2 expecting one day it'll break-in :mad:
In fact this Q is applicable for speakers as well right!

So if you believe in it, how do we know that we have already reached the state of break-in.

i'm more curious, becuase i do not want to keep playing my Norge + wharf 9.2 expecting one day it'll break-in :mad:

Around 50 to 100 hours is OK generally for all equipments. Why don't you just liisten to music instead of wasting electricity by keeping it ON for hours and hours
when i meant i keep playing - i do mean i listen. It's not that i play them when i'm at work :licklips:
i'm more curious, becuase i do not want to keep playing my Norge + wharf 9.2 expecting one day it'll break-in :mad:

How will you recognize the miracle work after 100hrs of listening? Is there anyway you can clearly remember how it sounded the first time as compared to, say every day or week or month?

May be you can record the amp/speaker being played with a very high quality reliable device and compare the finding at the end of puberty!

Go figure.
I believe in subwoofer break-in. I bought a Polk audio subwoofer (PSW110), and the first few days I was like "Is it even on?" Now the sound is so massive that I am constantly getting nagged at. There's definitely a break-in period for this sub (also reported by other users on the internet), and for me it worked out to be about a month or so.

Mind you there isn't one single specific moment where it "pop" opens and suddenly there is a revelation shining on you from above - it's quite a gradual process.

AFAIK the reason breaking-in is important for speakers at least is that if you go to Volume 11 on the first day itself there is a chance you could damage the speakers.
How will you recognize the miracle work after 100hrs of listening? Is there anyway you can clearly remember how it sounded the first time as compared to, say every day or week or month?

May be you can record the amp/speaker being played with a very high quality reliable device and compare the finding at the end of puberty!

Go figure.

Its obvious to the keen listener. My amp stopped sounding so grainy and my 9.2s speakers suddenly sounded "sweeter". With the fostex, the ability to disappear improved and the sound took on a quality of "flowing effortlessness" . Notice these are not terms than can be measured objectively.

Now either you can be a dead drunk rationalist and dis-believe it , or be a sober and conscious eastern spiritualist and believe it - when you "hear" it ... ;)

In fact this Q is applicable for speakers as well right!

So if you believe in it, how do we know that we have already reached the state of break-in.

i'm more curious, becuase i do not want to keep playing my Norge + wharf 9.2 expecting one day it'll break-in :mad:

120+ hours for Wharfies. You will know when it happens. :)

For Amp break-in I recommend this :)



I really like the way Gobble is licking his lips. In Japan, one of the ways of relieving frustration is to get locked into a room that is full of disposed-off electronics items such as TVs, 2-in.1s, etc. You are given an hammer and 30 minutes to break, throw, kick what you want. I believe most people relate the items to entities they hate and come out with a smile on their face.

I think we should start such an organisation in India with Gobble as the President and CEO !!

Its obvious to the keen listener. My amp stopped sounding so grainy and my 9.2s speakers suddenly sounded "sweeter". With the fostex, the ability to disappear improved and the sound took on a quality of "flowing effortlessness" . Notice these are not terms than can be measured objectively.

Now either you can be a dead drunk rationalist and dis-believe it , or be a sober and conscious eastern spiritualist and believe it - when you "hear" it ... ;)


Actually Gobble you hit the "nail on the head":lol: what with all the hammers in this post - that is exactly what I try to advise - When and what you "hear" is what matters and none of these can be measured "objectively". all you are going to get is a "subjective" opinion - which some people can get quite anal retentive about:eek:hyeah: Oh bTW I belong to the class who do believe break-in matters but more for speakers than electronics as speakers do have stiff rubber (or other exotic elastic material) for driver surrounds that need some exercising to sound their optimum. And I like the tone of this thread - our hobby needs a little more humor and light heartedness in it. Again just my opinions.
In Japan, one of the ways of relieving frustration is to get locked into a room that is full of disposed-off electronics items such as TVs, 2-in.1s, etc. You are given an hammer and 30 minutes to break, throw, kick what you want. I believe most people relate the items to entities they hate and come out with a smile on their face.

Oh ! we regularly take out frustration on streets by rioting and breaking things.

sentiments are hurt - burn things, someone said something - break things, you dont speak my language - break bones..... that way we are way ahead of Japan.
In fact this Q is applicable for speakers as well right!

So if you believe in it, how do we know that we have already reached the state of break-in.

i'm more curious, becuase i do not want to keep playing my Norge + wharf 9.2 expecting one day it'll break-in :mad:

hi demigod-

the life of material things is finite - and the quality deteriorates with each day that has passed-

likewise - amplifiers, their multiple electronic components sound best the first day they are used ( about 2 hours after switch-on), and am very sure that, as time passes, those multiple components degrade (faster in the cheaper and slower in the costlier) - and as we get more comfortable with the sound, the component degrades without us realising - until we hear a fresh piece - and go - "HOLY S@@T!!!! :)
My opnion
Its like waiting for my Wisdom tooth to appear before I relish some "exotic" dishes. And once it appears - its pain in the ars**,sorry mouth, so get rid of it at the earliest and continue to enjoy your "Staple" food.

but, i dont even remember when it happened.:rolleyes:
ummm ... just my view:)
For Amp break-in I recommend this :)
Very Funny LOL.

Personally IMO burn in is a Psychoacoustics phenomenon. 50-100 hours is probably the time it takes for the brain to get adjusted to the sound. But the legendary John Curl thinks it is for real. Who am I to question JC.
I can vouch for the fact that the difference in my sub was dramatic. Speakers - not so much, and amp - I probably wouldn't even be able to notice.
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