Does anybody have a Musical Fidelity XCAN V8P Headphone amplifier?

^ even if they have they might charge you double what it costs in UK or USA.sourcing it from abroad and shipping it to India by marking lower value would be the only choice i guess.

How does the 701 sound? does it have enough bass? cause ive heard that they are excellent in midrange.

have you made comparisons to headphones from other brands ? say the HD600,650 or the W1000 or the DT990,880 pro or the AKG K702.
Q1. How does the 701 sound? does it have enough bass? cause ive heard that they are excellent in midrange.

Q2. have you made comparisons to headphones from other brands ? say the HD600,650 or the W1000 or the DT990,880 pro or the AKG K702.

Ans 1: In short, very good, but not flawless. It definitely has a good midrange, but IMO, it doesn't have the best integration of the mids, upper mids and highs to do full justice to woodwinds and strings. It is a bit lean sounding at low volumes and sounds lively at higher volumes. Get the K702 and the ALO audio cable, which is known to further improve upon the K702's sound. It has enough bass for orchestral classical and its bass control is impeccable.

Ans 2: They sound better than my Shure E4C IEM.
I used them and really liked them. But sold them off cause I moved away from headphones. Darn, a year later I will be moving back to headphones now. I got them from Singapore for 30k. Audiopeople didn't have it that time and were charging the around 28k for v3. Let me know if you need any more details.
I used them before and I differ from Gopi. Creek OBH 21 was better then the MF , but sold both in a Short time and now am out of Head Phones.
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