Done with the speaker choice, need help on source


Active Member
Nov 19, 2008
After a year of search, i am now nearing the end of my speaker search. After listening to 17 speakers, i am now toying between Usher BE 718 and Dali Ikon 6, a decision thats probably going to get influenced by the price.

Its now time for me to get some help on the source.

I am convinced that i shouldnt invest in a CDP and should instead look at a PC or a DAC. I owe this choice to this forum and largely to thevortex.

I am looking at three choices.

1. Using the existing DVD player (Samsung) with a DAC
2. A PC with a good soundcard (Julie and Xonar essence suggested by thevortex)
3. A PC with a DAC.

The hifi is going to be in the living room and therefore any standing monitor is ruled out, so is connecting to the TV.

The PC choice seems ready to implement since the sound card recommendations are quite clear. I am still tempted by the DAC options since they appear to provide more flexibility for what could come up in the future (for example a personal medial player with outstanding optical output).

Can i request comments on the above three options. For the DAC options can i also get some recos on choices at different price ranges (under 200 USD, under 500 USD and under 1000 USD).

Sometime later, once either of these speakers are ordered, i will start the search on suitable amps. Right now looking at an SS amp. Later on, i am going to introduce Lyrita tube amps into this chain and see if i can get it to work with the speakers.

Over an hour's conversation today, thevortex suggested A PC with soundcard as the startpoint. For a future DAC addition, his recos were Peter Daniel NOS and Buffallo. Thanks thevortex.
Just did that. I was quite tempted to add my query there but that would have hijacked Amit's choice, which right now seems to be on CDP.

Have been in touch with Amit since, interestingly, both of us have Usher BE 718 in our final shortlists.

Which DACs would you recommend?
take a look at my post on Amit's thread. It provides for a way to connect many sources - through Coax, USB, RCA in to a DAC/tube pre. All you need is a better external amp.

Which DACs would you recommend?

I mentioned the HRT Music Streamer+ as just an information. There are many DACs available. Beresford and CA DACMagic seem to be popular. You may be able to get a demo of CA DacMagic depending upon it's availability with the local dealer.

There are quite a lot of threads in HFV. Please search.

+1 on the Buffalo and the PD NOS. If you're willing to use hand-held devices like the iPhone or the iPod Touch with your PC, you could skip the monitor/TV requirement.
What's the price of Buffalo DAC and where is it available in India?

+1 on the Buffalo and the PD NOS. If you're willing to use hand-held devices like the iPhone or the iPod Touch with your PC, you could skip the monitor/TV requirement.
I think Sridhar has the PD NOS DAC.

Where are you at in your search. I am now firmly at PC or PC + DAC option. I have to crack the display choice for the PC and am hoping to take Magma's help.

If you wish you can try my Beresford DAC.

Bryston + B&W

Thank you Helium. Actually my set-up will take Nov end to reach. My selection so far is Power amp + Speaker. I am yet to select Pre + Source. Sridhar suggests Nova Peachtree for Pre (tube/SS)+DAC. SoI have two options

Nova + DVDP (may be CA DV99)
Lyrita Pre + CDP (may be CA 740)

I like Cambridge Audio for their just pricing in India and performance-wise CA-740 is not bad. BTW which source do you use?

I may not go for PC/HTPC based system for this setup in my drawing room. I have already a decent PC in my bedroom, where I will build a small setup later. I don't want to go for another PC in my drawing room. Actually in PC based music, one misses the joy of handling the CD covers, seeing it at the time of playing, the songs list etc.... So I may want to get charm of both.
Actually in PC based music, one misses the joy of handling the CD covers, seeing it at the time of playing, the songs list etc.... So I may want to get charm of both.

very true..the liner notes sometimes add another dimension to the enjoyment of the music..sometimes, of course they can be very opinionated ...but if one is buying say classic rock or jazz albums reissued on CD, reading some of the notes help put the music in perspective,they inform one about the pieces featured and generally provide nuggets of history and trivia that enhances the listening experience ....
not to mention the fact that some of the album covers (of say The Grateful Dead or Velvet Underground etc )are really works of art.....
just my two pence...
Thank you Helium. Actually my set-up will take Nov end to reach. My selection so far is Power amp + Speaker. I am yet to select Pre + Source. Sridhar suggests Nova Peachtree for Pre (tube/SS)+DAC. SoI have two options

Nova + DVDP (may be CA DV99)
Lyrita Pre + CDP (may be CA 740)

I like Cambridge Audio for their just pricing in India and performance-wise CA-740 is not bad. BTW which source do you use?

I may not go for PC/HTPC based system for this setup in my drawing room. I have already a decent PC in my bedroom, where I will build a small setup later. I don't want to go for another PC in my drawing room. Actually in PC based music, one misses the joy of handling the CD covers, seeing it at the time of playing, the songs list etc.... So I may want to get charm of both.

You have point there about CD covers.

However, there are people who go take the strain of scanning the CD covers and copying them along with the music files, in which case you have absolutely everything right in front of you - available at a click.
You have point there about CD covers.

However, there are people who go take the strain of scanning the CD covers and copying them along with the music files, in which case you have absolutely everything right in front of you - available at a click.
I think still CDP start up is pretty quick than a computer startup. (WD type players may be exceptions)
Just came accross the review of Lavry DA 10 2 channel DAC. I think it is a good musical and natural sounding DAC.
lavry da10
Has any member personally listened to it?

I am thinking for Macbook + DAC as source instead of CDP. The Macbook I am going to purchase in Mar'10 as the 2nd laptop (offer from our Office). Till such time I will listen my system (going to be delivered by 1st week of Dec'09) using my desktop PC as source.

What have you decided finally ?
@Amit what speakers have you shorlisted or selected?

Sorry Neo, I am late in replying to your query. I have selected Usher BE-718 and Leben C300xs. It will be delivered to me by 1st week of Dec'09.
Sorry Neo, I am late in replying to your query. I have selected Usher BE-718 and Leben C300xs. It will be delivered to me by 1st week of Dec'09.

Congrats Amit ji!:clapping:

You are gonna be the owner of some very desirable kit. You are going to stick with your pc as source for now, I assume?
Congrats Amit ji!:clapping:

You are gonna be the owner of some very desirable kit. You are going to stick with your pc as source for now, I assume?

Thanks jaudio. Actually I have exhausted my budget. So I will have to stick with my PC as source till I will be able to purchase a DAC and use it alongwith my Macbook (which I will purchase in Mar'10 financed by my office) in future.
You can use Nova Peachtree as a source. A friend of mine is selling... pm me if interested for more details.

Amp: Lyrita SET 2A3
Speakres: Vintage B&W DM4
Source: LG DVD + Beresford DAC
Cables: Lyrita's I.C & cables
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