Energy C-300 or Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 ?


Active Member
Oct 27, 2007
Specific query so short post:

A US based friend asked for advice about these two models. He's heard good things about both but cannot audition them where he stays. He sees two good deals online, C300 for $250 (pair) and 9.1s for $ 260 (pair).
I've heard the Diamond 9.1s in Mumbai personally and know their sound. But I've never heard the C300s. I have the Take 5.1 Classic so I have an idea about Energy speakers but don't know how the c300 floorstanders will sound.

Has anyone compared these speakers together? Or has anyone done an extensive audition of the Energy C300s (or their bigger sibling the C500)?
Any inputs are welcome.

Well, I had listening of Wharfedale, some 2 yrs back and had listened to Energy at Futureshop just hours back. I had really liked the Wharfedale..thought it to be good value for money.... but I did not like Energy at all..I found it to be colored to my taste.

Having said that this totally depends on your personal taste and the kind of sound you like. I can therefore suggest that you listen to both using same track and buy the one that you feel suites your taste.
Well, I had listening of Wharfedale, some 2 yrs back and had listened to Energy at Futureshop just hours back. I had really liked the Wharfedale..thought it to be good value for money.... but I did not like Energy at all..I found it to be colored to my taste.

Having said that this totally depends on your personal taste and the kind of sound you like. I can therefore suggest that you listen to both using same track and buy the one that you feel suites your taste.

Futureshop or any other big box store is not amenable to auditions as the systems are not tuned, the listening area is just an open space, there is a lot of external noise and the sources are not setup properly.

Having said that, I would pick the Wharfedales as the C-series did not sell as much as expected and has some flaws in the mid range.

Additional options to consider are:

Enery connoisseur series which have a much more dynamic soundstage
Polk RTi series
Paradigm Monitor series
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.