Thanks for the information,
Plus, of course the my good old bad habit of weighing it manually adding to the already perplexed and distressed look of the seller/retailer.
This is true bcse a heavier cabinet will be more sturdy and robust.
Can something be inferred from the weight regarding the type of power supply of the CDP?
A linear analog power supply will make the CDP heavier because of the transformer.
Which one is better, linear power supply or switched mode power supply?
Does anybody got any information on this?
Most important IMHO are a high current and low impedance output stage. When the CDP runs out of current while playing very complex music (Symphonic Music, Big Band Jazz, Heavy Metal etc.) it will muddle the sound.
Is this valid even for the CDP? I believe the CDP only gives out very low current signal.
Let me start compiling the information so that this can be a one stop reference.
Evaluating a CD player
Functional Specs
No of bits - Higher the better (Typ 24bit)
Freq response - Wider the better (Typ 20Hz - 20kHz)
THD - Lesser the better (Typ 0.0025%)
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) - Higher the better (Typ 110dB)
Dynamic Range - Higher the better (Typ 100dB)
Crosstalk - Higher the better (Typ 105dB)
Distortion/Noise - Higher the better (Typ 90dB)
Read time - Lesser the better
Connectivity options
Gold plated RCA jacks - Y/N
Coax out - Y/N
Optical out - Y/N
Headphone - Y/N
Display switching/dimming available - Y/N
Power supply type -
Under discussion
Output stage
Output impedance - Lower the better (Typ 100 Ohms)
Other Features
Cabinet Build quality - Heavy and sturdy
Robust Tray and transport mechanicsm