first impression on CANTON VENTO890DC


Mar 11, 2010
Hi kdlsrinu,

Both the Canton's & Yammies look good!!! Can you enlighten us on the model of the yamaha & their specs + their vintage/ Also cost of the Canton's?
I actually inquired about the Yamaha speakers, but thanks for the info on the amps....
Pls do share details on the yamaha speakers too!
so when did you get these & from where? Must have cost a bomb! ;)
What kind of music do you listen to?
I wonder how they would reproduce the sound of hard rock & metal ;) Going by the reviews on the links you sent me, I feel they would do full justice, wish you were staying nearby to me :(
Anyway, enjoy your set-up
Nice speakers (both of them) and they look gorgeous.

It would be a good idea to remove the Yamaha speakers (they are too close to the Cantons) from the set up and see if the sound/imaging improves even further.
thank you all for you. i am just listening the set up .the yamaha amp is having the ab speakers. i am comparing them like this. pioneer dvc player to denon avc a1d for DA conversion(with tone defeat -direct). from denon to yamaha cx1000pre amp to yamaha MX1000U.Switching between A and B .i want to make the canton breakup atleast 100hours in a moderate volume for breakin period.but initial impression is like this
1)both the speakers are true to the source.
2)in the bass region, the CANTON are the real winner.
3)in the midbass and highs the yamaha are champs,un beatable.crystal clear hights and awesome mids- listen to die for approch.
4)cantons are injecting life to music- i am listening music hours together without adjusting any tone conrols(some times treble a little bit up-but rarely)
5)i am not able to decide, which i need to keep them for stereo set up:confused:
but i am marvelling how a 30years old yamaha NS1000M is competing this expensive($4000) made in germany CANTON speakers.
in mid and treble areas clearly thechamp is yamaha,cantons are winners in overall presentation and bass region. the bass is very tight and no boominess. very very clean. ,but they are not able to come close to berilium mids and tweeters.overall cantons are very musical speakers and yamaha are true to the source-honest speakers. i will post my openions again in a week end .

Bro, burn-in your speakers for about 200-400 hours and then compare... you'll be surprised at how the sound changes!

I am seeing a world of a difference in my new Thiel CS 2.4 after just 150 hours. THE SOUND HAS CHANGED. For the BETTER.

Congratulations on those lovely Canton speakers. This is a brand which is hardly discussed in our forum, and it makes me very happy that you have begun a thread here on these speakers. Yes, Vento is the line which is just below their reference line currently. The reference line speakers have been reviewed in stereophile in the recent past and the report has been glowing. BTW, their reference line speakers are still hand made.

I have a lovely pair of Canton Karat 60 speakers (very large bookshelf) bought in Germany in 1989. They were 2000 DM at that time (and around USD 2000, because they were the cheapest in Germany). They used to be quite top-end and completely hand-made those days and came with 5 years of warranty. They are still in such top condition that I have been told recently that they would last for another decade at least. I hope they do, because I do not have the money to upgrade stuff every day, that too products of this quality. The sonic qualities of my speakers are wonderful tonal balance across the frequency range, great resolution, and very natural and musical sound.

You do not necessarily need the speakers to be driven at very large volume levels to burn them in. Just listen to all kinds of music at normal volume. You can also play Isotek burn-in CDs which are supposed to break in a system quicker. I have them and use them for a different purpose.

Where did you buy your Cantons from? Since you mention the price to be USD 4000 for the pair, did you get them from abroad? What is the ballpark price range in India for the Vento 890DCs?

thank you for burn in suggestion. but i cannot keep high volume for better burn neighbours may complain. is any other method is there to burn in?pls share.

Play a radio through your system. this will not stress a CDP continually


Congratulations on those lovely Canton speakers. This is a brand which is hardly discussed in our forum, and it makes me very happy that you have begun a thread here on these speakers. Yes, Vento is the line which is just below their reference line currently. The reference line speakers have been reviewed in stereophile in the recent past and the report has been glowing. BTW, their reference line speakers are still hand made.

I have a lovely pair of Canton Karat 60 speakers (very large bookshelf) bought in Germany in 1989. They were 2000 DM at that time (and around USD 2000, because they were the cheapest in Germany). They used to be quite top-end and completely hand-made those days and came with 5 years of warranty. They are still in such top condition that I have been told recently that they would last for another decade at least. I hope they do, because I do not have the money to upgrade stuff every day, that too products of this quality. The sonic qualities of my speakers are wonderful tonal balance across the frequency range, great resolution, and very natural and musical sound.

You do not necessarily need the speakers to be driven at very large volume levels to burn them in. Just listen to all kinds of music at normal volume. You can also play Isotek burn-in CDs which are supposed to break in a system quicker. I have them and use them for a different purpose.

Where did you buy your Cantons from? Since you mention the price to be USD 4000 for the pair, did you get them from abroad? What is the ballpark price range in India for the Vento 890DCs?


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