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New Member
Jul 24, 2007
Hi all,
Just joined the forum. Didn't feel the need to before I owned decent equipment. I've recently acquired the Cyrus CD/Amp combo (6x/8vs2) with Monitor Audio Silver RS6 speakers. These are connected with Cyrus cables and inter-connects. Then within a week I felt the need to go out and get a turntable. But due to budget constraints, started with an entry level Pro-Ject Debut Mark III.
The gear sounds pretty good already. The speakers sound good after 100+ hrs but I'm told that they'll open out even more after 200 hrs. This (I'm told) manifests in them being more laid back. This I like.
But here's the thing: jazz and blues sound way better than distorted or hard rock. Acoustic, clean instruments (i.e. without distortion) have more staging and imaging. Smaller bands sound better - Coltrane quartets, for example, sound better than Dixieland big band sounds. Does this reflect speaker response speed or dynamics?
I also find that some base notes (e.g. a Mingus base run) sometimes feels a little garbled. Especially just below mid range. The lower notes are better.
Is this typical of this combo or can one improve the sound by tinkering around with room acoustics?
Or are the negatives just rants of an impatient sod, who should wait for the speakers to do 200 hrs?
Hello bluesin and welcome to

You have a great setup. I would suggest you give the system at least 200 hours of running in before you hear the true potential of the system. The bass should get a lot cleaner after the run in.

I would also suggest you to experiment with speaker positioning! Changing the speakers positioning can make a world of a difference.

You could also try and isolate the CD Player by using isolators such as vibrapods or even a half squash ball. This will help reduce the reverb (caused by acoustic feedback from the speakers) and give you a cleaner detailed sound.
Thanks Jagat. Are vibrapods available in through the Indian hi-fi dealer network? Do they always help: so, is there always an inherent level of 'reverb' without vibration dampening? If yes then I'll certainly give these a try.
The Vibrapoad dealer in India according to


19/21, Akshay Complex,
Dhole Patil Road,
Pune – 411 001

Tel. +9120-26127000
Fax +9120-26129220
Mob: +91 9850 9820 64

You can always try with a half cut squash ball below the CDP to see if there is any discernable difference to the sound quality.
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