Freedom of expression??


New Member
Nov 12, 2007
Visakhapatnam / Chicago
:eek: WOW!! Some people are really touchy here.

Don't know how many of you have seen the thread on the HiFiVision's local group for Andhra Pradesh (it has since been deleted by the admin), in that thread one member posted a casual comment with political over-tones and another member jumped on him and, IMO, basically forced the first member to edit his post and remove the 'offending' comments. Which, ironically, kind of illustrates the original point of the first member's political comment. I will not go into details, lest this post also gets deleted.

But, whatever happened to freedom of expression, tolerance etc. Doesn't this forum allow members to voice their opinions freely without fear or favour? I was shocked to see open intimidation of a fellow forum member and forcing them to edit their post. This sort of behaviour should not be condoned in any community.

And while I can see why the admin might have decided to the delete the posts, I would have preferred if just the offending posts were removed with a remark from the admin rather than deleting the whole thread.

I would very much like to hear the views from this community members on this incident.

I just realized the thread isnt there anymore ..... haha lmao.

Seriously questions the freedom of expression. This is not a parliament house or city where riots are going off. Everybody just needs to chill be realistic and 'tolerant'.

I was even more shocked the thread was deleted since i even edited my post as i had made a bad remark about the maharastrian although it was made in humor and not to offend/hurt anyone.

Some misunderstanding and gross assumptions from your side when you said ??forced the first member to edit his post and remove the 'offending' comments??

First the member you mentioned was me. I just expressed my concerns and politely asked those two member to remove those offending comments, I never forced them to do so. I posted a reply in that effect, sent PM to those members and informed moderators regarding this happening. If you recall that thread in my last posting I said to other member ??Whether to edit or not it is your call?? was that any force full act from my side?

Teja, I too respect freedom of expression, tolerance but as long as it is made in a decent way , how you approve a categorical comment by another forum members like? Such retards exist only in Maharashtra..?? Why such comments on Maharashtra, what does it mean?

If the poster wanted to comment on Andhra chapter he had full right to do so but then whythis offending comment of Maharashtra? And some one who like me , from Maharashtra expressed my discomfort on this specific comment what??s wrong with it? What is your take on it? Do you approve / subscribe to such bad manners?

I never asked Moderator to delete that thread in the first place, it is their call, I just requested them to ask those two members to EDIT (read I said EDIT, not delete) the post.


I appreciate you respected my sentiments and of several others who later called me and supported me. You need not teach us about Tolerance when you first use some foul language about Maharashtra and people of Maharashtra.

Freedom of speech is there but that doesn??t mean you take disadvantage of it and pass such bad comments on somebody else??s native palce, state of residence, community, religion cast, belief system, and so.

You first need to behaves properly , respect others and their feeling before teaching others to be tolerant and chill.

Now my view point and stand on this issue is pretty clear and as the original thread is now deleted , for me this case is closed.
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I appreciate you respected my sentiments and of several others who later called me and supported me. You need not teach us about Tolerance when you first use some foul language about Maharashtra and people of Maharashtra.

Freedom of speech is there but that doesn??t mean you take disadvantage of it and pass such bad comments on somebody else??s native palce, state of residence, community, religion cast, belief system, and so.

You first need to behaves properly , respect others and their feeling before teaching others to be tolerant and chill.

Now my view point and stand on this issue is pretty clear and as the original thread is now deleted , for me this case is closed.

Talk about 'Blowing things our of proportion'.

The comment was made in good spirit, if you noticed it was followed by a 'just kidding' comment a.k.a chill its just a joke. RT has done enough to be all over the news papers and if some tom, dick or harry mentions his name in a joke it offends some of his believers/followers all this on an audio forum. :eek:

I edited my post as soon as you mentioned your views so dont try teaching other people how to behave.I think editing the post would be +ve behavior. Its a liberal country with freedom of expression which should be most evident out of all places at least on a public forum.

The main question is why the mod deleted the thread in spite of the fact that i edited whatever i said. But i guess that his duty not to let arguments start up.

Next time you should write to the stand up comedy shows on t.v who pretty much make fun of every celebrity/political leader/famous people etc. I doubt there would be a mod there to voice any of your concerns. Anyways no offence meant to maharashtrians my commentwas on RT completely blown out of proportion to bring maharashtra into the picture.
I really hope this doesn't snow-ball into another controversial thread and get deleted.

Suhas, I certainly do not approve of the comments made about Maharastrians. Even though they were made as a joke , it was in bad taste - definitely out of place and not called for. And you were perfectly justified in responding to it. But your replies did come off as aggressive (with bold letters and words like "strong protest"). Yes, your post was polite and was a request, but it was certainly forceful.

I don't want to say anymore as these things have a habit of blowing up into monsters. I will end with a reminder that is apt to this discussion and to a lot of situations our country is facing today - borrowed from a great man who said it much better than I ever could...

"We are not enemies, but brothers. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection." - Abraham Lincoln

Being a Maharashtrian my humble request is
1) World is too small to fight among us
2) Time is too short to quaral insted --rock on guys !!!

IMHO regional chapters without disturbing oters is good concept ...If I want to showcase my equipment , want to test it ...or best a promotion going on in perticular retailer ... it is best thing to discuss. In fact it is good when you want to upgrade,swap or sell your equipment.

IMHO - this is what I am feeling.
To whosoever it may concern,

Regionalism is just as big an evil as anything else out there.:mad:
This is just a puny planet called earth revolving around some ball of gas called SUN. When the chemical reaction that sustains the sun is done and it dies, all of us puny mortals (or whatever is remaining of us) will all go ??poof?!

So just rock on while you still have the miracle called ??life? in you.
Leave all the regionalism shit to retards and politicians ! They have reasons to do it. We do not !
for my info i wanted to know who is the super admin and who are the moderators?

i think we should take cue's from team bhp. i think their setup is pretty neat and it's easier to find out who is what. they do seem to have a better method to the (possible) online madness :rolleyes:
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