Gato audio


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006

Has anyone heard these amplfiers ? They used to be sold at a much higher price. They have moved to a customer direct model so you save a lot on the price these days.
I had heard gato amps and speakers actually most of it at Munich hi end 2 years back. Honeslty their room was not so crowded and the guy from the company was extremely friendly. I couldn’t try the amp with any other speakers, but it sounded extremely clean to my ears. Excellent separation, tight bass and soundstage was bigger than that small part of the floor they got. The same day I was disappointed on systems costing 10 times it’s price. I am still not sure if the speaker or the amp which got that sound right back then. photos don’t do justice to the craftsmanship. I like the way they show the loudness level. While turning it up and down the numbers just smoothly slide up and down in the display like the alarm clock of iOS
Ex Gamut guys so it must be good sound. Stable below 2 ohms. Good option for those difficult to drive speakers out there.

Has anyone heard these amplfiers ? They used to be sold at a much higher price. They have moved to a customer direct model so you save a lot on the price these days.
A well respected forum member on the UK forums, was upgrading his speakers to the harbeth 40.2. And since he could not swing the moolah, he sold his much cherished musical fidelity ams 35i amp. And now these are considered as musical fidelity's best amps ever, and run hot in pure class A. And still command a huge premium, over their intial retail price in the used market. He subsequently auditioned a lot of amps, and bought the Gato IA 250, with the internal dac. And he is extremely pleased with it. So must be something going right there....
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