GDay to all you AV enthusiasts


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2009
Hi A/V Enthusiasts,

My name is Santhosh and I am from Bangalore. I am more of a stereo enthusiast and spend very little time watching movies although I have a AV setup. I have two setups, one for stereo and the other for movies. Until a month ago, these were setup in my bedroom. But, I would like to spend more time on music and movies and hence I am building a dedicated 'Listening Room cum Home Theatre'. I am getting an additional room constructed for this purpose as we speak. I will be starting a seperate thread to document this and look forward to ideas and suggestions from all you experienced AV enthusiasts.

Professionally, I work on the technology side of an Australian Bank.
About my hobbies and interests, I must confess that my first love is automobiles followed closely by music. I am also a DIYer and am glad to see so many DIY projects.

In my next post, I will talk about the equipment that I have collected over the last 7 years.

I am looking forward to a great time learning and sharing AV with all you wonderful people:clapping:

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Hi Santhosh,

Welcome here! I assure you that u will have a fruitful time in the forum with some really wonderful guys out here. Looking forward to know about all your AV gear.
Its every AV enthusiast's dream to have a dedicated room. I am happy you are realizing it.:clapping:

Be prepared for a spending spree with all the guys here guiding you to new gears:ohyeah:


Santosh a warm welcome to you :)!! have nice time here !

Hmm another DIYer :D,please do post your DIY projects and such for us to enjoy !

Welcome aboard!!

I suggest you take a look at the " Showase your audio/video setup" thread before you move forward with your dedicated room as acoustics should be started at the very beginning of building of the room.


Hi Santhosh,

Welcome here! I assure you that u will have a fruitful time in the forum with some really wonderful guys out here. Looking forward to know about all your AV gear.
Its every AV enthusiast's dream to have a dedicated room. I am happy you are realizing it.:clapping:

Be prepared for a spending spree with all the guys here guiding you to new gears:ohyeah:


Thanks for your warm welcome Ashwin:). I am not sure about the spending spree as I have most of the AV equipment already. I will take a step by step approach. I do not have a huge budget and hence my initial spend will be mainly on getting the room ready.

Hmm another DIYer :D,please do post your DIY projects and such for us to enjoy !

Thanks soundgreat, I have seen your DIY projects and must say I am no where close to what you have done. Also, I do not have any DIY Audio/Video projects. Most of my DIY has been automobiles and general home stuff. However, I hope to include as much DIY as possible in the Home Theatre project that I have commenced.

Ok, let me post something that is not exactly DIY. I got these made to my specifications by skilled workers. The ideas were from the Internet, the designs and sourcing of material, countless hours supervising the outcome, customisations etc was my effort.

Apologies for the poor images. Click on images to enlarge.

Isolation Stands for my Jamo E570 speakers. These were made from granite, polished and labelled 'Jamo' using vinyl decal. Thats me with my prized possession back in 2004:

An AV Rack that I got custom built. The picture was shot recently and you cannot see any AV equipment as everything has been stored safely until the HT project is complete (I have a 9 month old son, so packed and kept safely). The rack rests on spikes and were damaging the marble floor, so inserted coins beneath the spikes. Damage prevention costs - Re.1 (four 25 paise coins)

Custom made stands for my B&W DM610 Speakers. The stand is mounted on 4spikes and the legs are filled with sand.
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Thanks soundgreat, I have seen your DIY projects and must say I am no where close to what you have done. Also, I do not have any DIY Audio/Video projects. Most of my DIY has been automobiles and general home stuff. However, I hope to include as much DIY as possible in the Home Theatre project that I have commenced.

Santosh thanks for liking (hope you did ;) ) my DIY efforts, I try :) !!

Well the rack seems very nice and neatly done too:) ! The speaker stands look good too but would've been better if shot in a better lighting !!

Anyways good to see your stuff,please be active and post more such stuff and participate in various threads !!

I would like to start a thread to document my Home Theatre Project. I will post progress updates as well as seek suggestions from all you AV enthusiasts at each stage. I would require guidance on Acoustic Treatment, Electricals, Lighting, Speaker Positioning, Screen Positioning, Seating etc. I am not sure which section I should start the thread in. Should it be in the "Showcase your audio/video setup" or "DIY" section or elsewhere. Can anyone guide me please?

I suggest you take a look at the " Showase your audio/video setup" thread before you move forward with your dedicated room as acoustics should be started at the very beginning of building of the room.

Thanks Sumit, I did look at the A/V setups of several members including yours. There is a wealth of information in this forum and I am glad I came across this site at a point where I have just started the project.

Santosh thanks for liking (hope you did ;) ) my DIY efforts, I try :) !!.

Ofcourse I liked it mate:). Like you said, it is important to try and improvise as there will be learnings in any DIY effort. I also appreciate the way you back your projects with tests and data.

Well the rack seems very nice and neatly done too:) ! The speaker stands look good too but would've been better if shot in a better lighting !!

Anyways good to see your stuff,please be active and post more such stuff and participate in various threads !!
I will take better pictures, but that will be later as I have packed off everything for a while.

Hi Santosh,
Interesting.... The way you,ve spelt your name with symbols. INTERESTING !!:clapping:
I came up with this when I was in college. I learnt later from a member on another forum that this is actually called LEET or Leetspeak. More info here: leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.