Got a philips 8900 headphone


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
New Delhi, India
they seem to be difficult to find and demo. So finally found a place in Delhi where I could demo both.
Found sound almost same using my laptop as source. So decided to buy the one with better condition and comfort. Since there was just one piece of 9000 I went ahead with 8900. I also couldn't figure out how to adjust the 9000 for my head/ ear position.
Got it for 2550. It sounded a little bright. Bass seemed to be not so great.
I tried with the headphone out on my lyrita pre when I came back home. Kept it on for break in, heard again after a couple of hours with the headphone out of my hk 6550 and it had good tight and punchy bass in Hotel California track.
It is still on burn in, let us see what is there in the morning.

I took demo of Philips HP(dont know model) which sounded flat on freq response,I went for Senseher HD202 for deep BASS.
they seem to be difficult to find and demo. So finally found a place in Delhi where I could demo both.
Found sound almost same using my laptop as source. So decided to buy the one with better condition and comfort. Since there was just one piece of 9000 I went ahead with 8900. I also couldn't figure out how to adjust the 9000 for my head/ ear position.
Got it for 2550. It sounded a little bright. Bass seemed to be not so great.
I tried with the headphone out on my lyrita pre when I came back home. Kept it on for break in, heard again after a couple of hours with the headphone out of my hk 6550 and it had good tight and punchy bass in Hotel California track.
It is still on burn in, let us see what is there in the morning.


I think u should have demoed seinheisser or shure b4 making your purchase ??
Actually, I couldn't find a place to demo all senn models. I did some research on headfi, techenclave and even here. Lot of people say philips 8900 is very good. I heard 202 from senn - it has great bass when connected to my laptop. It doesn't make any bass when connected to my cell. So I think a lot has to do with the amp as well.
Since 2550 is an extremely affordable amount, I wen to the philips distributor, did some A/B using my laptop (didn't carry my amp as it would have been quiet clumsy. Could figure out some less harshness in 9000 compared to 8900, and less bass too. However, differences were minor for a non critcal listener like me.
Came back home - connected to lyrita pre headphone jack and it sounded great - cdp my nad 542. But the bass wasn't there that much. Then I let it burn for couple of hours while I was away from house. Came back and plugged it into hk6550 and bass was as punchy and deep as I like. Will connect back to Lyrita to see if it is amp or burn in.
I was able to hear some more details (not all of them were necessary for the music though) in the hotel California song, and I thought I knew it very well.

Well I cld hear only Phil,Sens & Pany, so cant say abt HD108,but after I purchased HD202,I googled for rev(1st time its otherway)It is 4.5/5 & lost for extra Bass & tight for big ears.

Hd202 like the other senny s in this price bracket is quite bass heavy. I guess it wont cut it for someone who wants a more unbiased sound. But gotta say that the hd202 at 1.5k is one sweet deal.
Hd202 like the other senny s in this price bracket is quite bass heavy. I guess it wont cut it for someone who wants a more unbiased sound. But gotta say that the hd202 at 1.5k is one sweet deal.

Yes,with Bass heavy track,I need to lower Bass feq abit, but movies are lifelike,enjoyable.
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